Constant A's or Upward Trend?

<p>This is just a silly question. There have been articles about both MIT and Middlebury recently where reporters in the room with adcoms report kids are thrown in the NO pile for having 2 Bs.</p>

<p>"why would top tier colleges pick YOU, a student with lots of Bs and even a C-, over a student who has always worked hard throughout all of high school and gotten all As?"</p>

<p>Well, I made a lot of stupid mistakes on my freshman year. High school was a very difficult transition for me. Sure there many people out there with straight As but I actually learned from my mistakes. For example, I just finished off my sophomore year with all As. I'm not perfect, but as time goes on I get better and better. One Admission Rep recently told me that they give applicants with rising grades a second look because it shows their potential to succeed amid their initial failure.</p>

<p>BTW, I posted this thread more than a month ago!</p>

<p>"One Admission Rep recently told me that they give applicants with rising grades a second look because it shows their potential to succeed amid their initial failure."</p>

<p>since u know the answer, why ask?</p>

"One Admission Rep recently told me that they give applicants with rising grades a second look because it shows their potential to succeed amid their initial failure."</p>

<p>since u know the answer, why ask?


probably because he asked the admission rep after he started this thread over a month ago</p>

<p>Yes /* ........*/</p>

<p>Consistent excellence is always best. However, that said, if the only problem is in the freshman year, some schools do not include the freshman year in computing GPA.</p>

<p>Ahimsauxin-What are your other stats, I want to go to the same schools and I'm in the same situation</p>

<p>"This is just a silly question. There have been articles about both MIT and Middlebury recently where reporters in the room with adcoms report kids are thrown in the NO pile for having 2 Bs."
are u serious?
but aren't there so many other ppl getting in w/ more than 2 Bs?</p>

<p>I think if you go to an average high school, 2Bs could be bad. Again it depends on the high school. There is no guarantee that if you get 2400 with 4.4 from a competitive school that you are in HYPMS either. My D HS's scatergram, there is one that was waitlisted and eventually got off the wait list with the above stats from MIT. There must be something else that they did not like about that applicant the first time, because the applicant got waitlisted.</p>

<p>Which schools don't include fresh year? (not that it matters)</p>