contacted by congress!!!

<p>Hey. I'm a freshman at Ohio State (but entered as a sophomore by credit hour) and am looking to transfer to Cornell, Georgetown, Penn, or Vanderbilt.
I'm applying for arts and sciences (econ, most likely).</p>

<p>I was just contacted by the Legislative Director to a Congressman from Idaho who wants to introduce a bill in the next couple of weeks to restructure the stimulus plan. He knew my high school econ teacher and that's how he heard of me. He wants my opinion on some of the things in the bill he's going to propose. He just met with Paulson and he's meeting with Goldman Sachs, the NY Fed, and the incoming sec. of the treasury next week...which means I have this info before they do!!!!
I'm pumped. Will this help me out??
My stats:
HS GPA: 3.99 uw, 4.66 weighted
HS rank: 2 of 170
ACT: 33 (took only once)
EC's: VP Key Club
National Honor Society
Captain, Academic Team (District Champs, Contestants on Brain Game TV show, Columbus)
5 Varsity sports letters (soccer, tennis, and cross country)
2-time student director of school musical, major role senior year
First-seat trumpet, squad leader, "screech trumpet"
Arion Award for musical achievement
High school's award for most outstanding senior male
Sole recipient of departmental awards in English, Spanish, and Business/Econ
Ohio High School Athletic Association's Scholar/Athlete Award
Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award
WTOV TV award for Top of the (Ohio) Valley
3 academic letters (45 hours of community service, 3.0+ GPA)
Two leadership awards (one was to a state conference)</p>

<p>College: Ohio State
GPA: 3.8
Courses last quarter: Honors philosophy 100 (A-), Honors anthropology (A), Calc 2 (A-)
Courses this quarter: Honors theatre 100, Anthropology 300, Spanish 103.66
EC's: Undergraduate Economics Society, research assistant to grad student in anthropology (I help him analyze artifacts he found in an excavation)</p>

<p>any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>woooooo Idaho!!</p>

<p>hahaha yeah. hopefully the bill gets passed so that I can really feel like a part of history!</p>

<p>No offense really btu I wouldnt get too excited yet, its posible that he just wanted your opion as average joe college student and not super nobel prize winning economist. Im sure there are plenty of proffesors he could consult with if he was seeking practical advice.</p>

<p>I know I’m not that brilliant or anything; it’s just that I figured if I was my opinion was even sought on an issue this big, it must reflect somewhat positively on my economic knowledge.</p>

<p>Idaho? Make sure it’s not Larry Craig ■■■■■■■■ for young guys …</p>

<p>Hahahaha no, it’s not him. He’s out of office now anyway, isn’t he?</p>

<p>y not just get into penn spring of 12th grade? u seems like u could have since u look smart.</p>

<p>My school was not rated very high by the schools that keep tabs on how “good” high schools are. My school was poor and few people even went to college, and that really worked against me. Plus, I couldn’t afford the app fees and I guess I was just too proud to ask for a waiver. I can pay for them now because I have a full ride at OSU and get a $2000 stipend every quarter to spend however I want. :)</p>

<p>anyone else out there willing to give their opinion?</p>

<p>Listen I dont want to drag you down but think of this logically. First he heard of you from your high school econ teacher. High school econ is a friggin joke, anyone is willing to admit that. You dont deleve into even the most basic macro/micro principles. Thats the reason I decided to dual enroll as a senior at a local 4 yr university and take intermediate micro/macro there, which also is a joke, easiest A I ever got. I also dont see how you can use this to your advantage, you haven’t won any econ awards, heck you havent even really spoken to the guy. I dont see what this guy expects out of you and I dont think its responsible for an elected offical to solicit serious economic advice from a college freshman whos not even finished macro/micro. I think you got his message mixed, he probobly just wants your advice as a college student and how things in this bill he is proposing would affect you as a college student.</p>

<p>If Congress is consulting people like the OP about economics, it’s no wonder that our economy’s in the gutter.</p>

<p>I already explained the situation. Actually, my high school is extremely good at econ. We’ve been the national champions for Fed Challenge multiple times and my teacher has really good connections, including him (because she taught him). And it’s not like I’m going to affect the bill that much. He’s exposing it to me because he knows I’m into policy analysis and also that I’m good with econ. I’ve won best speaker awards for debate over economics issues and tested out of all the freshman econ classes at Ohio State. I was also given the Econ/Business award at my high school, which is the same award he got when he went there (years ago). I’m not claiming to be a brilliant economist. It’s just a really good experience to be able to analyze this stuff and was hoping it would help me in my apps. Any opinions when you see it that way?</p>

<p>When you leave, you really should thank OSU for giving you the funds to apply to other colleges:)</p>

<p>Hahaha yeah. Actually I went to see my minority advisor (I’m Appalachian) about transferring and her jaw just dropped and said the same thing.</p>

<p>This is absolutely ridiculous. Does any one in their right mind actually believe that a Congressman is going to consult a student about an economic policy? A reality check is in order.</p>

<p>It sounds as though you received the email as a common courtesy via a good word said to him from your high school teacher. Please, don’t read anything more into the email.</p>

<p>Look, I’m not being consulted, I’ve already clearly explained that. I received an email because he heard I was into policy analysis and wanted to give me a look at it, give me the experience. Sure, I can offer my opinion, but I’m not acting like it’s going to change the bill one bit. He obviously knows far more than me and what I say probably doesn’t mean squat. I’m just saying it’s a great experience and a very unique one at that.</p>

<p>anyone else out think my experience would help/hurt me?</p>

<p>It will neither help nor hurt you. What it will do is give you an experience which you may be able to incorporate into a future conversation or interview. Remember–do not make too much out of this. You are not a part of Congress, a political consultant, political analyst, or a policy maker. You’re a student who received a courteous email from a friend of a teacher.</p>