Contesting a Final Grade...

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>I am seriously considering contesting one of the final grades I received in one of my classes. It's not a 'bad' grade really; I really just feel that it did not at all reflect the amount of work I did for that class. The problem is that much of the grading for the course was subjective, and I'm certain that was the deciding factor that damaged my grade. I was sick a lot this semester (and still am getting treatment), and I explained this to my professor, and I thought he understood, but when I saw my final grade, and that it was under the curve for the course, I was seriously not too thrilled. </p>

<p>The other problem was that in no way did the professor fill us in on how we were even doing in the course until, well, not ever really. He would just nod and say something like, "You're doing okay, don't worry about it..." and um, my final grade is lower than Ok. </p>

<p>I am going to first talk to her and see if she considered all of my work, etc., but if that doesn't resolve it, I'm not sure which step to take. Any suggestions? And please, no, I'm not a grade who re- I understand that I'm not going to make it through Penn with a 4.0. The only thing I'm trying to do here is to have my transcript reflect the grade I felt I earned, which was a bit higher than the grade I received.</p>

<p>Help. :D</p>

<p>Go for it.</p>

<p>Thank you mariambaby3</p>

<p>Good luck - sometimes they’ll be in a different frame of mind after some time has passed. A professor though is the final authority on a grade.</p>