Continuing Student Scholarships Posted

We noticed that the continuing student scholarships posted today, June 7th, for my son. My son saw one so far but others tend to show up during the summer. Has anyone else seen them? Which ones have you seen posted? We only see the Top 10% continuing scholarship for now.

My son had two scholarships last year which Financial Aid told him would renew; however, neither has posted on Howdy.

@TexasAtHome I’m sure they will later this summer. We found last year that several scholarships don’t post until just before the semester starts. We too have a few that we expect this month or next.

Whiciv01 – yes, same with my junior engineering student. Just posted one merit scholarship around June 1st, I believe it was, and a couple previous to that last spring. Still have at least one more she is waiting on - hope to hear this summer.