Continuing Student Scholarships

<p>My son is a freshman at TAMU and we are already looking at what we need to do for continuing student scholarships. My son received a few, not many, scholarships coming into TAMU. His stats were quite high, but it didn't really help him. We are hopeful that this might change with his first semester grades. He is in the University Honors Program and so far he feels he has a chance to have a 4.0 his first semester (with 17 hours). </p>

<p>Can anyone help with information and/or tips for receiving post-freshman scholarships? What counts the most once you are enrolled at TAMU? Any advise.</p>

<p>BC </p>

<p>They are extremely competitive since everyone competes together (freshman, sophomore & juniors mostly - seniors only if they will be there for over 4 years). Everything counts it seems for all scholarships once you meet the initial criteria to be considered (merit included)- we know 4.0 students who have not gotten merit scholarships. The vast majority of students here do something other than just school. They are involved in clubs, activities, sports, jobs/internships, and volunteering/community service. If your son has not yet got involved in several (if not all) categories, that might be something to consider. Most (if not all) scholarships are for one year and you need to reapply each year to be considered, so you do compete against previous scholarship recipients. My tip would be to work on the scholarship form but wait to submit until close to the deadline as you might have something to add - we were told that you cannot change your application once it is submitted. Also, decisions are made after the close of Spring semester although the application due date is earlier - they use both Spring & Fall transcripts. </p>

<p>I don’t know if this is still true, but I assume it is … your son will need to apply for scholarships using the Continuing Students University Scholarship Application. This is done mid-year, in January, as I recall.</p>

<p>The school of engineering has a webpage of very basic instructions … <a href=“College of Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship Application | Texas A&M University Engineering”>;/a&gt; …
and those instructions refer the reader to the Continuing Students University Scholarship Application, which is not currently active at this time. (You can also find the Continuing Students app by navigating the TAMU Scholarships and FA webpages.)</p>

<p>Your son’s school, if other than engineering, probably has similar instructions on their webpages.</p>

<p>My son received extremely generous scholarships as an incoming freshman that more than paid for his education and all other expenses, so he only applied for the continuing scholarships one year – and that was the year that he was doing a summer study abroad. He was awarded two additional continuing student scholarships from that process. One of those was a scholarship that he was told was “available to him” on his Incoming Freshman FA paperwork, as long as he applied, or something like that. The other scholarship was a nice surprise. </p>

<p>The Continuing Student application was straight forward and not at all labor-intensive, though I recall there being a little confusion about the many layers of online “forms” – lots of pages and paragraphs that are not applicable to everybody. You have to find your sections – like Honors and Study Abroad and your department or school, etc. You’ll see. There was also a paper application that he had to mail in. I think that was the one that was specifically for Study Abroad. All were ultimately straight-forward, and all directions were clear.</p>

<p>As I recall, he also had to submit the FAFSA as part of the Continuing Students application. He would not have qualified for need-based aid, but that didn’t matter. As it is in lots of schools, the FAFSA can be just a formality for those who are not eligible for need-based aid. To get scholarships, you have to submit it. (Unless I’m remembering just my other kids’ schools.)</p>

<p>There were spots on the application(s) for extracurricular activities, community involvement, volunteering, and the usual grades and gpa and such. </p>

<p>It is my impression that A&M particularly rewards kind, helpful, giving kids, who actively participate in areas outside of academics, and who also do extremely well in school. I know several kids who got the kinds of scholarships that my son got, and a few who earned continuing scholarships, and they are all that way. But I don’t know anything beyond my personal observations of a rather small sample of the population. I’m just a parent, not an A&M insider in any way.</p>

<p>Howdy whciv01!</p>

<p>Good advice above!</p>

<p>Also, be sure that your son follows up on the invitation to apply to the University Scholars program. All first-year students that finish their first semester with a 3.5 or better will be invited to apply: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Jon Kotinek
Associate Director
TAMU Honors and Undergraduate Research</p>

<p>Jon, thanks for the information. I will share this with my son today.</p>

<p>I try to remind my D around the deadlines for the scholarship apps to make sure she remembers to submit everything. The kids get so busy that this deadline can come up in a hurry! My D has been the lucky beneficiary of several departmental awards, so the process is definitely worth it.</p>

<p>Thanks Debbie7452. Any tips on how your D was able to receive department awards?</p>

<p>I’d be happy to help, but I’m not really sure. My D is in Honors and has kept a 4.0 in a difficult major. I’m pretty sure she gets top of the class grades. She has been getting academic awards every year in her department. She really loves her major and it shows. I also have been told her department is well funded, so there is a good amount of money there. I don’t know if this is true for all majors. My other D had good grades(but not stellar) and never received a single departmental award. I think getting to know your professors can really help. My D goes to a lot of study sessions with her professors. </p>

Has anyone received continuing student scholarships for Fall 2015?

A few of the scholarships are being released, but not all of them. In the past, we’ve experienced the department ones were first then the college ones then university ones (most of those are after spring grades). It is just a matter of when the groups that pertain to him choose to select & notify recipients. There isn’t a specific date. Our experience has been individual notification for departmental & college ones but just show up on FA portal for university ones. Mays sends emails letting you know you didn’t qualify or alternatively if you did qualify- I don’t know about the other colleges (that would just be for their college ones not for all scholarships). Although not always good news, it sure was nice to have closure. Last year the university ones they only allowed you one- even if you were the top qualifier for multiple- they sent out a letter explaining they wanted to spread out scholarships to more students and gave you the highest dollar one you qualified for. IDK if they’ll do that again this year.

Some of the continuing student scholarships are on howdy today :slight_smile:

Nothing new for my son. Maybe overnight. We were hoping the department scholarships would show soon.

Keep looking… they trickle in from now until about June

My son just texted that he got an email that he got one. This is the first he ever got in the spring.

Actually Agmom even beyond June, my son got one over the summer and this past year after school started in the fall. None have been major but even little bits are nice.

Yes, I think especially once you start paying, you do appreciate every penny!! Glad to hear they are rolling out more scholarships later as well. Congrats! Let’s all hope for more green highlighted entries to show up on our portals!