Converting 100-point GPA to 4.0 scale?: I'm not sure what to do.

There are many scholarships that I’m applying to but they require a GPA on the 4.0 scale and there is no room to put a GPA on the 100 point scale.

I have a 96.3 GPA (UW).

Using the A= 4.0, B = 3.0, etc method my GPA is a 4.0.
Using College Board’s GPA Conversion Table my GPA is a 3.96.
Using the divide by 25/multiply by 0.04 method my GPA is a 3.85.

Which should I use - or is there a better way to calculate this? For calculating the GPA should I use only the final/yearly grades for each class - or do I need to do all quarter grades as well?

They will look at your transcript and figure it out for themselves.

Use only your semester end grades, no quarter grades.