<p>Despite ranking, and despite getting specific (majors/department rank etc...) what are some talking points that you would give to someone deciding between the two? Especially since he (me) spent two months set on Berkeley, then two months set on UCLA (and even put the decal on his car) and now can't decide at all. I have a month to figure this out......ready..........set.........go 30 days. </p>
<p>Whoever convinces me can choose my next name here on CC and I'll stick with it forever.</p>
<p>berkeley. nuff said</p>
<p>The only advice I have is that you shouldn’t make such a huge life choice based on the advice of people on an internet forum. ; )</p>
<p>i’m having a real tough time choosing too, so you aren’t alone! : (</p>
<p>Dood, UCLA all the way - c’mon, vintij!</p>
<p>Even if I had applied to Cal and gotten accepted, I would choose UCLA. I love the campus and when I am there I feel like that is where I should be. I would suggest to go where you can picture yourself the most. Either school will be a great educational experience.</p>
<p>Hey vintij, the only advice I can give you that would help is to take a last visit to the campus of each University. Cal and UCLA are excellent in every regard; You will make great friends and have fun experiences at either university, so you need to let your gut and NOT U.S. News & World Report decide.</p>
<p>I got into both and UCLA was the obvious choice for me, both because I have good friends who go there as well as a superior major for my interests. You’ll figure it out, just don’t rush it and make a call when you’re ready.</p>
<p>@ouimarshmallow That’s what they all say haha
If you had gotten in, trust me, you would’ve considered CAL. :)</p>
<p>I plan to visit each campus one more time as well. I’m honestly leaning toward CAL because its environment is so much more exciting. UCLA seems dull intellectually compared to CAL. And, whenever I visit CAL I get the feeling like I can do anything there - no limits. I could walk around naked if I wanted to, I could say that I believed that the Almighty Council of Reddish Orange Aliens created the earth, and someone would take the time to debate with me. Just seems like people care more about thinking at Berkeley, basically. The total opposite of the types of people I’ve hung out with during my life haha. I think UCLA people think alot too, but not so much about social issues, I mean, Berkeley is where protest started!</p>
<p>I didn’t even apply. I like south CA too much.
It really is just a personal preference thing. My bf’s mom went to UCLA, hated it, and transferred to Cal. His sister went to Cal also. I’m in love with UCLA. Plus, I would not want to move somewhere I don’t know anyone. I’m not exactly the most socially outgoing person. </p>
<p>Follow your heart, as lame as that might sound. :)</p>
<p>This is how I feel about each school.</p>
<p>When I think of Berkeley, I think of overcoming yourself, growing intellectually beyond your wildest dreams, and getting your own voice. It just seems so much more diverse than UCLA in respect to its current body’s composition as well as its rich history. Of course, you can always gauge which school by their youtube videos. Hahaha
[YouTube</a> - You See Berkeley - Extended Web Version](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BP09VHK58]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BP09VHK58)</p>
<p>Here. Now. UCLA. As the video says, UCLA is an institution of academic rigor. UCLA is a place is an instrument of change, creating ideas never heard of before. UCLA is a place of heritage and tradition. Your a bruin and you carry on the torch from previous bruins.
[YouTube</a> - Here. Now. UCLA.](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfjCPi57mIg]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfjCPi57mIg)</p>
<p>In the end its up to you, schools appeal to particular people.</p>
<p>Celebrities vs Nobel Prize winners
UCLA vs Berkeley</p>
<p>i love this thread merci vintijthebruin.
i am seriously conflicted.
UCLA or Berkeley???</p>
<p>Trasferuc thank you for your post.</p>
<p>ucla econ or berk econ?!?!!?!?!!!?!?!?!??!?!!!11111111</p>
<p>It is my humble opinion as a community college student, whatever that means, that Cal’s economics program is superior, not by much, to UCLA Economics.</p>
<p>Go with your feeling and intuition. Close your eyes and ask yourself if you will feel comfortable 10/20 years down the road about missing the chance to attend UC ____ even if you will make something of yourself at both institutions.</p>
<p>if you even need to ask youre better of going to UCLA, pshhhhhhhh</p>
<p>i dont understand how there could be any sort of confusion here…berkeley ofcourse.</p>
<p>im in the same predicament!</p>
<p>Psh CalBearGuy, *** are these guys thinking? Berkeley is soooo obviously better than UCLA</p>