<p>How tough is it to get a single room at any of the Coop houses for a freshman?</p>
<p>I'm an International, and am basically looking to cut down the crazy room and board cost ...</p>
<p>Suggestions welcome...</p>
<p>How tough is it to get a single room at any of the Coop houses for a freshman?</p>
<p>I'm an International, and am basically looking to cut down the crazy room and board cost ...</p>
<p>Suggestions welcome...</p>
<p>Cutting down? The less people per room, the more it costs...</p>
<p>You should get an apartment if you want to save money.</p>
<p>Off campus or on campus? What's the rent usually like?</p>
<p>Supposedly ~$3000 cheaper.</p>
<p>Coops don't price by what type of room you get. Its decided after you move in, but as a new member you're more likely to get a double, triple, or even a quad. I'm not 100% sure but there might be lower rates for international students... if you go for the smaller, northside houses I hear its easy to get a single even as a new member. I'm not sure how easy of a time you'll have getting into a house for Fall '08 if you haven't turned in application by now though.</p>
<p>If you're an international, then why not do I-House? International</a> House Berkeley: Student housing complex and multi-cultural program center</p>
If you're an international, then why not do I-House? International House Berkeley: Student housing complex and multi-cultural program center
Only upper-division and grad-students are allowed to apply.</p>
<p>You know that you will be expected to work at a coop, which is something to factor in when you are comparing costs.
Many people feel that the food quality/variety is better in the dorms than the coops.</p>