Cooper Union Class Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is the official discussion thread for Cooper Union Class of 2027 RD applicants. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants.

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Have decisions been released?

Someone reported that yes. For the College of Engineering at least.

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Thanks just checked with my son & he was waitlisted. It’s his top choice so if anyone knows anything about how long the waitlist is, chances of getting off etc that would be great.

Yes at 430 there was an email to check portal. This is for school of engineering. I believe the other schools are on April 1.

Congrats to all who were accepted! My daughter was accepted to Civil Eng, totally excited. Looking forward to the artists and architects getting good news. NYC is the best place to go to college!



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Deposited! so exciting.


Good luck to the Artists and Archies today!

My son was accepted to Civil Engineering, and he is about to commit to Cooper today. We compared Cooper to SBU, RPI, Purdue, and Stevens - it was a close call between Cooper and SBU due to the cost. But Cooper is the best choice, nonetheless!

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He will be in class with my daughter Huge Congrats. Will he live in the dorm, my D will be.

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Thank you! That is our plan. I just hope we don’t live too close for him to get into the freshman dorm! We live in Nassau County, Long Island. I read on the housing website that getting into the dorm is prioritized by zip code.

Are you from New York or out of state?

I have the same fear. We are about 4 hours away, but even a couple hours seems like too much. Really hoping they can get all the kids who want to live in there.

Hi- How long it will take from Nassau county to go to copper ? Will that be hectic for three to four years depending on if someone gets dorm accommodation or not ? Any thoughts. We live in Nassau and my son got accepted at CU as weel as SBU.

which highschool your son graduating ? We are in Jericho school ?

@green.owl.newyork we are from nassau county also! We also hope we get housing. I was told it’s rare for a freshman not to get housing


That is reassuring! I heard in the Admitted Student Event that even though the dorm is prioritized by zip code, it’s also decided case-by-case. Hopefully, all the freshmen from Long Island that want to dorm will get a bed! LIRR can get expensive!