<p>Does anyone have information about it for this year? Please. :(</p>
<p>See summer program thread in old page4
oh, I can paste it here.
6 week pre- college program
This class is ideal for juniors who are interesting in pursuing career in art and would like to continue developing their portfolio for college application.
Drawing, Writing, 3D design, 2D design, Contemporary Art issues
June 30-Aug 13 2008 M-Th 9am-3pm</p>
<p>4 week drawing intensive
This class is suitable for sophomores and juniors who want to build their drawing skills and begin working on their portfolio.
Drawing, Writing, Contemporary Art issues
July 14-Aug 13 2008 M-Th 9am-3pm</p>
<p>Portfolio review Sat May 10, 2008 10am-3pm
Engineering building Wallman lounge
51 Astor Place NY NY 10003
all applicants must attend the portfolio review, with artwork ready for viewing</p>
<p>for more information and application form:
Free</a> Summer Art Programs at the Cooper Union
call 212 353 4204 with any questions
Cooper Union Saturday Outreach Program
30 Cooper Square 6th floor
NY NY 10003</p>
<p>so i'm assuming that to attend the free summer outreach program you basically have to be within commuting distance?
This past summer I spent a month at Pratt attending their pre-college program and seeing how Cooper is my first choice I was hoping they would have a program I could attend this next summer (before my senior year). Unfortunately, I live in Texas. Would it be pretty much impossible for me to attend?</p>
<p>Summer schedule here, Cooper bound kids and pushy parents, get ready for the brutal review!</p>
<p>Portfolio review May 9th, 2009</p>
<p>6week pre college program
Drawing, writing, contemporary art issues, 2D and 3D design
June 29 -Aug 12</p>
<p>4week drawing Intensive
Drawing, writing, contemporary art issues
July 13 - Aug 12</p>
<p>Info 212 353 4202 (Mon, Tue, Thu 9 to 5 or you’d never get to talk with human being)
<a href=“http://www”>www</a>. saturdayoutreach.org (good luck navigating, it usually crashes on you)</p>
<p>As always, tuition free all materials are provided thank you thank you Peter Cooper.</p>
<p>i attended the portfolio review on saturday. does anyone know when they will get back to us about it? you know, to let us know if we got in or not. mail, email, carrier pigeon, anything will do.</p>
<p>I quit posting but I know how you feel so here is what I know
they will mail you the result either way in few weeks snail mail.
You can try calling them tuesdays thursdays afternoon but it is hard to reach human and they seldom return your calls.</p>
<p>oh…great. the best part is, if i dont make this, i’ve missed the deadlines for any other summer program.</p>
<p>Though I am an evil pushy parent bulldoze everything that gets on my way, I want to hug you and wish your luck.
Cooper summer Outreach is tough. I wish all-inclusive Saturday program would extend to summer as well.
Planing B-Z might be a good idea.<br>
If you are NYC HS student, City is hiring interns and such if you have work paper, there are still classes at Sarah Lawrence, Syracuse U, Art students league etc if you have money if you dont there will be free community based programs at The Door, High five, NYC Parks and rec.
Insideschools.org is good place for finding free classes.</p>
<p>• Art scholarships for seniors: Graduating high school seniors who plan to pursue arts studies in college may apply for two arts scholarships. Application deadline: May 12.
• Summer Youth Employment Program: Submit an application to SYEP for a chance to land a summer job at organizations and institutions throughout the five boroughs. Application deadline: May 15.
• Summer journalism program: The Reader’s Digest Foundation invites NYC public high school students to apply to the Young Leaders in Journalism workshop. All expenses (including transportation and food) are covered for the two-week seminar, which includes a field trip to the Newseum in Washington, DC. Application deadline: May 22.
• Writing program for teen girls: Girls Write Now invites female writers ages 13-19 in NYC public schools to apply to their 2009-2010 writing and mentoring program, or their summer 2009 workshop series. Application deadline: May 15</p>
<p>wow, thank you! this is a lot of information i really appreciate it, and I’ll definitely check these opportunities out. I’ve still got my fingers crossed though. You said they’d mail me in a few weeks?</p>
<p>Last summer, review was on 10th and their letterhead was dated 19th (but typo-ed "July " instead of May. I love them more and more so)
It seems coming week then?
I’m sorta glad we are out of it this year. Like you said, it is bit too late for plan B.
Good luck.</p>
<p>For those NY kids still need plan B</p>
<p>The Joan Mitchell Foundation Summer portfolio Program
All free
July 6th-17th M-F11AM-5PM for HS students
Aug 3rd-14th M-F10AM-4PM for middle school students
At CUE Art Foundation art ed classroom
511 W 25th street NYC NY 10001 between 10th and 11th Ave
(212) 524 0100 or email <a href="mailto:ekrawiec.jmf@mindspring.com">ekrawiec.jmf@mindspring.com</a>
need completed application to be brought (do not mail) in person interview
interview dates June 16-19 and June 23-26 2:30 to 6:00 PM by appointment
bring sketchbook and artworks for review.</p>
<p>so, um, i didnt get in.</p>
<p>will keep you posted plan c-z
don’t worry they are finishing up new building just for you kids, you didn’t miss much.
ti’s better than got in once then being marked as black sheep 'cause didn’t kiss …
believe in yourself and peter cooper, you’ll be fine.</p>
<p>[NYC</a> Service. Help New York City stay the greatest city in the world - volunteer!](<a href=“NYC Service”>NYC Service)</p>
<p>spend your time helping others!!
soo peter cooper!!</p>
<p><a href=“http://queenscouncilarts.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=96&Itemid=286[/url]”>http://queenscouncilarts.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=96&Itemid=286</a>
6weeks all free bit far end of Queens
interview June 20th
class June 29-Aug 6 M-Th
what they say about the class is almost identical with Cooper 6 weeks. funny.</p>