Copy Paste

<p>Anyone else annoyed that they can't copy and paste for the three 1800 character essays? I don't want to type everything again :S</p>

<p>Something must be wrong with your browser? I copy and pasted all of them and they looked fine on the print preview version</p>

<p>Weird. Whenever I tried to copy and paste, nothing would show up. I could try firefox maybe.</p>

<p>Edit: must be something with Safari.</p>

<p>Are your essays like 1799? That might be why.
Sometimes I just copy/pasted in sections and it worked.</p>

<p>nah its cuz of safari… doesnt let u copy paste that much… switch to firefox</p>

<p>You actually can. It’s just that whatever you are pasting exceeds the character count.
Try reducing the size. Remember that spaces count.</p>

<p>Yup - if you can’t paste it, it means that whatever you are pasting is exceeding the character limit. Try pasting a few sentences at a time and see what we mean.</p>

<p>No, it just wasn’t letting me copy and paste anything. It wouldn’t even let me copy and paste 10 characters, let alone 1785. It worked with Firefox, though.</p>