core high school requirements for UW?

<p>Does UW have core high school courses that I must take in order to go to UW? For instance, do I need to have 4 credits of math? </p>

<p>Thanks a lot- I have looked and can't find the info anywhere.</p>

<p>From the collegeboard </p>

<p>([College</a> Search - University of Washington - U-Dub - Admission](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board))</p>

English 4
Foreign Language 2
Math 3
Science 2 [1 must be a “lab” science]
Social Studies 3
Visual/Performing Arts .5</p>

Computer Science 1
Foreign Language 3
History 1
Math 4
Science 3 [3 should be “lab” sciences]
Social Studies 4
Visual/Performing Arts 1</p>