Core requirements for engineering transfer student

<p>My boyfriend plans on transferring to Alabama in the fall. He has the 9 hours of social and behavioral sciences credits, both they don’t follow a sequence like it says it has to. He took a anthropology class, a sociology class, and a history class. For the humanities, he has a fine arts and 3 hours of Public speaking. There aren’t any other communications classes listed that would fulfill the humanities requirement. Does anyone know how lenient Alabama would be about these sequences? </p>

<p><a href=“Transfer Information – College of Engineering | The University of Alabama”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“Transfer Credit – The Office of the University Registrar – The University of Alabama | The University of Alabama”>;/a&gt;
Do either of these contain the info you seek?</p>

<p>This is what the catlog says about the core curriculum in engineering:</p>

<p>“9 semester hours of humanities (HU), literature (L) and fine arts (FA) area courses. A 6-hour discipline depth study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, and FA or HI and SB. There are no mandatory general education requirements for literature or fine arts, except as required for a specific engineering program.
9 semester hours of courses in the areas of history (HI) and social and behavioral sciences (SB). A 6-hour discipline depth study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, and FA or HI and SB.”</p>

<p>My guess is they aren’t going to waive the requirement for depth study, but it doesn’t specify what qualifies. I know my son completed his with 2 foreign language classes.</p>

<p>You said there weren’t any other communications classes, but here is the list of humanities <a href=“”>;/a&gt; and it lists
COM 100 Rhetoric and Society HU
COM 121 Honors Critical Decision Making HU
COM 122 Critical Decision Making HU
COM 123 Public Speaking HU

  • COM 155 Freshman Seminar HU
    COM 210 Oral Interpretation of Literature HU </p>

<p>as humanities in the communications department, so perhaps COM 100,122, or 210 along with the public speaking course would fulfill the depth study? You’d have to email an advisor to be certain.</p>

<p>In engineering he would only need the depth study in social/behavioral OR fine arts/humanities, so if he can take another humanity to fulfill the depth study, then the social/behavioral credits he already has are fine.</p>

<p>I didn’t notice those communication classes before. Thanks! But here is what I saw here:
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>“Nine semester hours of humanities, literature, and fine arts (HU, L, & FA) area courses, six semester hours are required in a discipline (EH, PHL, for example). A six-hour depth (or sequence) study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, & FA or HI & SB. There are no mandatory general education requirements for literature or fine arts except as required for a specific engineering program.
Nine semester hours of courses in the areas of history and social and behavioral sciences (HI & SB) , to include six semester hours in a discipline (HY, EC, for example). A six-hour depth study is required and may be taken in either HU, L, & FA or HI & SB. History may be included in depth courses.”</p>

<p>I’m concerned about the 6 hours in a required discipline. His classes were ANT, SOC, and a history class, so those aren’t in one specific discipline. </p>

<p>What I quoted came from <a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama; (engineering at the bottom of the page since it has different requirements from other students), which mentions the depth study, but not the six hours in a discipline. I know my son’s social/behavioral credits are from different disciplines and it doesn’t seem to be a problem (at least in the DegreeWorks application in his MyBama account), but as I mentioned he does have his depth study in a foreign language in humanities. But I’d still seek clarification from an advisor since the two sources don’t have the same information.</p>

<p>Okay, thank you for your help! </p>