CORNELL(70% fin.aid) vs UPenn(0 fin.aid) vs YALE(65% fin.aid) vs UCBerkeley(0 fin.aid)

You couldn’t have applied to both Oxford and Cambridge the same year - it isn’t possible. And you wouldn’t have got any FA in the UK either.

“You couldn’t have applied to both Oxford and Cambridge the same year - it isn’t possible. And you wouldn’t have got any FA in the UK either”

By saying I applied everywhere I meant US schools. And why do people always think about Oxford University when I say I applied to Oxford lol :wink: I applied to Oxford college or how it is originally called City of Oxford College.

This ‘story’ is fake on so many levels. Kyrgyzstan doesn’t allow dual citizenship, you need to know Mandarin to study at Peking/Tsinghua, you can’t apply to both Oxford and Cambridge, no interviewer says “this time they’ll definitely accept you”, you can’t possibly have gotten both Yale and Cornell results by now (and financial aid to boot), and finally for someone so ‘passionate’ about studying business you should know that being a business consultant isn’t contingent on having a business degree and that there are hundreds of undergrad business programs in the USA.

Oh, and did I mention the chances of a Stanford undergrad with swiss passport getting denied a visa is miniscule?

Well, do not see a reason to continue explaining everything to you guys. So much distrust. Anyways, I hope I will get into UPenn and see you guys there:) .^_^.

The FA’s from Cornell and Yale are from my last year decisions. Since my parents are still earning the same amount, I do not see any reasons why I should not use them

Not to nitpick, but you said that “$50000 a year is a lot of money” (for UPenn). The cost of UPenn is around $69k, including room and board and personal expenses. That’s $19k a year you left out. An extra $76k over 4 years. Are you sure it’s still worth it?

And I’m confused: you haven’t yet gotten accepted to UPenn, yet you are speaking as if you already have? Slow down there.

So is it true that if you do get into Penn (still an open question) you could get a FA package equivalent to the other schools? If so, then your original question should have been phrased differently. IMHO you should wait until you get your actual acceptances and actual awards before asking this question. Until then, it is all hypothetical.

now this is getting fun…!

really, @azimusa2010, you applied to both a vocational training school and Cambridge at the same time?!

Oxford College at Emory?

Entertaining thread.

I’m still interested in hearing about how there are only 2 undergrad business programs in the US considering there’s at least 10 in California alone.

UC Berkeley (one of the schools the OP applied to) has an undergrad business program…

Of course to anyone who attends Wharton, there is only one undergrad business program in the US. :slight_smile: