I am a community college student and I am planning on transferring to Cornell Architecture on Fall 2018. This is my second semester in college but I just recently changed my major to Architecture. I am really not familiar with the transfer application process in Cornell.
Highschool GPA: 88 on a 0-100 scale (3.2 on 4.0 scale, I believe)
SAT: M-660 R-550 W-540
I took the SAT in HS, and I know I did not get a good score. Should I retake it or should I just use those scores?
In my first semester in CC, I took:
Trigonometry - A
Intro to General Chemistry - A
Intro to General Chemistry (Lab) - A
German 2 - A
College and Reading Skills - Pass
Basic Composition - Pass
GPA: 4.0
In my second semester, I am planning on taking:
Architectural Design
Architectural Theory
Graphic Design Communication 1
Reading and Composition
Freehand Drawing 1
I wanted to know how I should prepare myself for admission (Which classes to take, ECs that I should get involved in, etc.) What is the most important thing on the application? What should I do on my next three semesters to have a stronger application?
Thank you for your time!