Cornell. Berkeley. Rice. I'm torn!

<p>I had 2260 on my SAT,- 730/800/730
SAT2?s 800/800/760
And I am an international student currently attending public school(since sophomore year) in Florida. </p>

<p>With less than a month to go, I wish I could just attend all these awesome schools.</p>

<p>I am planning to major in biochemistry/chemistry, and currently got in to these majors at these schools. I love Rice?s residential college system and friendly atmosphere, but am not sure how I feel about the small size of the university. Texas Medical Center is right nearby, and I will try to volunteer/ get an internship there.
Berkeley is a huge public school, and I love California but I heard that pre-med advising is weak and it has a low rate of admission into medical schools.
Cornell is an Ivy league, I can?t ignore that, and I LOVE the campus and the weather(living in Florida for two years has made me miss snow..), and I heard pre-med advising is great. But I am not sure if Ithaca has enough resources.</p>

<p>I was offered a scholarship to Rice, but did not get any FA/scholarship from Berkeley or Cornell. I want to go to medical school also, but my parents tell me I can choose to go wherever I want to.</p>

<p>CC?ers, what do you think?</p>

<p>hands down go to berkeley
the best medical schools are in california
and besides there are too many drunks at rice</p>

<p>Go to Rice if it matters whether the profs know your name, whether your fellow students will view you as a competitor or a friend, whether you want access to meaningful research opportunities as an undergraduate, and whether you want the highest chance of being admitted to medical school.</p>

and besides there are too many drunks at rice


<p>Perhaps this isn't terribly important, but I'm willing to bet the number of heavy drinkers who attend Berkeley is larger than Rice's entire student body.</p>

<p>g2 cornEll</p>

hands down go to berkeley
the best medical schools are in california
and besides there are too many drunks at rice


<p>What the heck??? UCSF has the best med school in california, but who cares? Pre-med is not the same as med school and many would say Rice is the best or second best (after JHU?) for pre-med in the country.
Too many drunks? Surely you are talking about Cornell or Berkeley. From what I've witnessed they (or at least Cornell) have way WAY more drinking going on than Rice.</p>

<p>Have you visited any of these three? I just recently made my 4th trip to Cornell and I can now say that there isn't a single aspect about it that isn't overrated, especially the food and dorms. Plus I sat in on a class and was incredibly unimpressed. And I've lived in upstate NY my entire will HATE the weather after 4 days of October.</p>

<p>If you had a scholarship at Rice, then you really should to go there. They have, oh, about a 93% acceptance rate to med schools.</p>

<p>Definitely Rice. All of the advantages of a large school without being a large school.</p>

<p>Go to whichever is cheapest. (Probably Rice, since you said you got a scholarship). If you are so undecided, you might as well pick the one that will put you in the least debt later - med school is expensive! You'll get a good education at all of them, and in many ways the similarities will be greater than the differences.</p>

<p>agreed. if anyone wants to go for humanities, go to berkeley.</p>

<p>berkeley hands in a similar situation but for engineering (cornell VS rice...) and im prly picking cornell</p>

<p>Hey everyone, I made my decision to go to Rice. I attended Owl Weekend last week(a program for accepted students) and it was amazing. Now, I havenÂ’t been to these programs at either Berkeley or Cornell, but with the scholarship they are offering me, I was leaning toward Rice even before I visited.</p>

<p>The Rice campus is just gorgeous, and the people were so friendly and intelligent. I attended classes, looked around the research facilities, participated in a psychology experiment, went to concertsÂ…. I had so much fun! I feel like I would be just really happy as a Rice student.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who replied to my message- it gave me a direction to look at and see the colleges from different points of view.</p>

<p>Congratulations!!! My son chose Rice over Cornell too. You'll have a lot of great research opportunities at Rice and the 13 hospitals at the Texas Medical Center.</p>