Cornell-> CALS->Applied Economics and Management


<p>i was wondering if anyone can put more light on "Applied Economics and Management" department of Cornell Univ. is the right place for Accounting major??? </p>

<p>i do have some idea, but would like to know more abt it.</p>

<p>Well, from what I know, the department is very small but growing.
[Cornell</a> University: Undergraduate Profile – BusinessWeek](<a href=“Bloomberg Businessweek - Bloomberg”>Bloomberg Businessweek - Bloomberg)</p>

<p>Read the “Graduate Comments” - it’s very insightful.</p>

<p>Also, here’s the list of the accounting specialization classes: [Applied</a> Economics and Management/Cornell](<a href=“]Applied”></p>

<p>My major concern about AEM is that it’s in CALS. I actually emailed an AEM Ambassador, and this is what she said: “As far as the AEM program in general goes, you really shouldn’t be bogged down by the fact that it is in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences or take it too literally. There are some programs within the college that do focus on agriculture and get deep into the sciences but the AEM program is not like that. There are 10 different concentrations that you can choose within AEM: accounting, agribusiness management, applied economics, entrepreuership, environmental and resource economics, finance, food industry management, international trade and development, marketing, and strategy…So you really can tailor the program to wear your interests lie. But whatever concentration it is, you still get the basic coursework as all the other AEM students, you just take a couple more advance classes in whatever it is you choose.”</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>hey thanks for that…but i went through some the rankings for Accoutning major and i didnt find Cornell anywhere(except for doctoral programs)!! i knw rankings are not everything, but since its CORNELL, i was wondering why it was not there?? any ideas??</p>

<p>[Undergrad</a> B-School Rankings: Interactive Table](<a href=“]Undergrad”></p>

<p>This helps you rank by specialty. If you click your specialty, the list appears.</p>

<p>[Undergrad</a> B-School Rankings: Interactive Table](<a href=“]Undergrad”></p>

<p>Cornell is #11. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>They are also #4 overall as a business program.</p>

<p>thanks guys, actually i went thru US News and Public Accounting Annual Report. so…</p>

<p>So AEM is a good business school, but pointless for accounting? I mean if someone plans to concentrate in accounting, won’t they have a good background for the CPA? would it be better to major in accounting somewhere else? </p>

<p>A random question, What about people concentrating in accounting at Wharton?</p>

<p>Neither school has programs to meet the 150 hours rule.
what do you think guys?</p>

<p>cornell’s undergrad business is overrated, its not even a real business school like the others</p>



<p>I lol’d.</p>

<p>Anyways, Cornell’s accounting program isn’t that great. Most AEM students don’t look for a career in accounting, after all…</p>