Cornell CALS Transfer..please help me:)

<p>CALS TRANSFER Please Help~:) </p>


<p>Hi, I will apply to CALS in 09 fall as a junior…which means I need to finish the application by March. My questions are…</p>

<li><p>I was planning to finish the pre-req classes during the Summer vacation at CC, but I’m wondering if the pre-req classes need to be done before you apply to the school…or before you get into the school.</p></li>
<li><p>I’m thinking of applying to Agricultural Science major, but I also want to know which major has the highest acceptance rate at CALS. (I heard AEM has one of the lowest acceptance rates.)</p></li>
<li><p>Is it not possible to get into CALS if you don’t finish your pre-req? I’m majoring in Food Science but I think the only way to get into CALS is applying to Agricultural Science if CALS really do care about pre-req. </p></li>

<p>Thank you so much and have an awesome day!!!</p>

<p>p.s:I technically moved the post from Cornell discussion room to here…sorry>.<</p>

<p>There’s already a post (that I started) for the Fall '09 Cornell Applicants. Feel free to post there as well.</p>

<p>Hey Hamasaki,</p>

<p>I am in just about your same position. Junior transfer for CALS Fall '09.
I called them up to ask about when prerequisites have to be completed by, since I am also on the quarter system. They said that I could fulfill the requirements if I planned on taking the classes either Spring or Summer quarter. But they will only get the grades of the completed quarters, so the grades you have in the prerequisites you have already completed will matter that much more in admissions. Just remember to say in your application that you are planning on taking the classes during spring and summer.</p>

<p>Which Food Science prerequisites are you missing? The person on the phone told me that the microbiology is a lenient requirement because it is new this year, if that helps you any.</p>

<p>I definitely recommend you call them up and ask them about your particular record. You might be able to find a way to meet all the requirements for the major you are actually interested in!.</p>

<p>Thank you so much, both of you!!!</p>