<p>Cneogy nice to see you again :P</p>
<p>Good luck man. I’m nervous as well.</p>
<p>Cneogy nice to see you again :P</p>
<p>Good luck man. I’m nervous as well.</p>
<p>2 minutes!!!</p>
<p>I’m not even a RD applicant and I’m anxious for you.
Good luck to you all!!</p>
<p>omgomgomg i can’t take the wait any longer</p>
<p>Brace yourself !</p>
<p>Nope. University of Florida will be my daughter’s choice. Thanks for the info.</p>
<p>I will be the first to post a Rejection!!</p>
<p>Cornell was a reach for me (2080/1390) so I am not surprised. It was my final decison and now I can move on…</p>
<p>Good Luck to everyone where ever you land!</p>
Tampa FL xxxxx
<p>Dear Kxxxx:</p>
<p>The admissions selection committee has reviewed your application for admission for the fall of 2013, and I sincerely regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to Cornell University.</p>
<p>I want to assure you that we gave your application a very thorough and careful review before making this difficult decision. Cornell’s admission selection process was especially competitive this year given the record-high number of applications received as well as the consideration of applicants for primary and alternate choice admission. It is important to keep in mind that the vast majority of the more than 39,000 applicants could be successful students at Cornell. Unfortunately, with an expected class size of 3,182, enrollment limitations require us to make difficult admission decisions.</p>
<p>Please understand that this decision is not a reflection of your potential. College admission is very competitive and quite subjective. My colleagues and I are confident that you will find your home and experience success at another outstanding institution.</p>
<p>On behalf of the University, I appreciate your interest in Cornell and extend my best wishes to you for success during your collegiate years.</p>
<p>Please note that we will not mail you a paper copy of this decision unless you would like us to do so. To request a paper copy of your decision letter, please send us an email at <a href=“mailto:undergradapp@cornell.edu”>undergradapp@cornell.edu</a>. </p>
<p>Jason C. Locke
Undergraduate Admissions Office
Cornell University</p>
<p>Rejected. Primary Engineering, Secondary CALS (EnvE)</p>
<p>1410/2200 (740M, 670R)
M2: 750, Chem: 720
Brother is a Masters in Engineering student there
Not too bummed because I wasn’t too excited about going, more inclined towards UVA Congrats to all those who made it, Cornell is fantastic!</p>
<p>Rejection!! It would have been cool to be accepted by an Ivy, but I’m very happy with my current options :)</p>
<p>Rejected, 1600/2270. Disappointed. Probably taking a spot on Rice’s waitlist.</p>
<p>“Within the next few days you will receive notification from the undergraduate college to which youve applied that you are being offered a transfer option. Please contact the college directly if you have any questions.”</p>
<p>Rejected! Unless Cal works out looks like I’ll be at UCSB in the fall! :)</p>
I think it means you’ll be offered guaranteed admission as a transfer. Definitely better than a rejection.
They’ll tell you what you need to do: what courses to take, what grades you need to get, etc, in order to qualify.</p>
<p>rejected lol. 3 waitlists, 4 rejections nbd</p>
<p>rejected :(</p>
<p>rejected as well whooo…</p>