Cornell ED possible rescission?

<p>Hey, so I am a rower and got into Cornell with a 3.4 weighted and low SAT scores, I am not dumb but I channel my focus to sports. I am worried because my first quarter grades are as follows:
Ap Calc- D+
AP Stat- C+
AP English- C+
DNA/Biotech- C+
Honors Hisp. Lit- B-
Social Science- A-</p>

<p>They accepted me without seeing these grades, but they will see the avg of the grades above and 2nd quarter's grades, the semester ends on Jan 23. I think I can end up with all C+'s into B range but the D+ will probably average out to a C- or C if I am lucky. What are the chances of rescission, I am scared that even if i work hard it might be hopeless.</p>

<p>i’m not positive on this, but i’m pretty sure no school will rescind you for 1st semester grades. at worst, they’ll send you a warning saying that you need to get your grades up before the end of the year</p>

<p>any other thoughts and i am really worried</p>

<p>A’s and B’s would be fine, probably even C’s, but that D is looking questionable. I don’t know if they’d rescind just for that, but if you don’t pull that up soon, who knows?</p>

<p>You should stop your sport and concentrate on your studies. I don’t think your grades are looking that promising. I would say rescission is possible.</p>

<p>I would definitely get the D up, that’s not good. If you could get the C+'s to B-'s then you’ll be golden, but make sure you get the AP Calc up to at the very least a C-. One C, a bunch of B’s, and an A won’t get you rescinded.</p>

<p>it is very rare for an application to get rescinded, just make sure you are working your hardest and let Cornell know this if they decide to contact you.</p>

<p>Tell me what you had wrote into your application, cause there was a reason you were accepted.
They probably did look through your stats and numbers to see a different person, and you essays may have been great. But I don’t think they accepted you just because you were good at sports. Still just my opinion.
They probably liked you because you wanted to take challenging classes.
But they probably also expected you to at least have a couple of B’s in the hard classes. There is technically a reason why they want people to include such classes to challenge themselves in the hardest classes in their senior years to see if you fit into a college environment, but if you are hovering above a C average, they WILL start to rethink about what you had put onto the application, and see if you were really serious about a Cornell education.
Like, how was these grades and level of difficulties compared to last year’s grades?</p>

<p>I just think you should seriously reconsider spending more time studying than sports, cause if you don’t want to risk your chances of them rescinding your acceptance, you better get out of that slump. It may be rare, but it’s not impossible. Having so many low grades in most of the hardest classes says something about you as a student.</p>

<p>And also, your low grades will lower your GPA; and the grade multiplier, if you have one for AP classes, it may not help keep it up. It may, in my opinion, start to show that your SATs and GPA reveals something more.</p>

<p>You will need to explain D+ (you also have 3 C+s). It is not that uncommon for a college to rescind the acceptance. I would speak with your GC and Cornell’s coach (I assume you were recruited) to see if you would be a risk. If so, you should have plan B (backup schools). </p>

<p>“I am not dumb but I channel my focus to sports.” is not a good explaination to adcom. You will find at Cornell even jocks have good grades. </p>

<p>Cornell may tell you if you were to bring your grades up to ___ then you should fine. But make those calls now. Not to ruin your holidays, but if you were my kid, I would be very worried.</p>



<p>Recruited athlete. </p>

<p>Lightweight or heavy?</p>

<p>heavy rowing.</p>

<p>wow… that is amazing!!! I cant believe your grades, but then again… a friend of mine who is far, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, was accepted by Dartmouth for track</p>

<p>my really good friend got accepted to JHU ed, then got c’s/b’s in his ap’s – (rele bad seniorits) with no real hooks - unlike your rowing hook… and didnt get rescinded - but instead got warned first with the possibility of probation mailed to him from JHU. so they’d prlly warn u too first if you were in danger, before they actually rescind</p>

<p>Having come this far, you shouldn’t risk losing the opportunity to attend your ED school. You should make every effort to make at least Bs in everything. (I’m guessing your current grades are a considerable departure from your previous record. You might raise a red flag these grades continue into the second quarter.) You still have time to raise your grades, though. I would not expect Cornell to rescind you immediately, at least not before issuing a warning first.</p>

<p>Yeah…your rescinded. Start saving for community college brah</p>

<p>kclee12 > Stop ■■■■■■■■ this website. You are wasting your time.
And since you are going to UPENN, then have fun with the violence out here where I live. West Philly ain’t going to be kind to you.</p>

<p>To OP, since you were possibly recruited for a sport, you will be able to pull it out with B’s. The C in Calc is pretty Reasonable. But you better start pulling out some A’s/Hugh B’s.</p>

<p>playhacker: Don’t trash Penn. I applied there since Cornell deferred me. It’s actually an amazing school, just like Cornell, and they have a Health and Societies major (with an optional concentration in International Health) that suits me just as much, or even more, than the Human Biology Health and Society major at Cornell. Though that had nothing to do with this thread, don’t trash other schools that are obviously not worse than Cornell.
Though if Penn and Cornell accept me in April, it’s off to Cornell for me :)</p>

<p>chandlerbing if u dont mind me asking what were ur stats like. I got deferred from Cornell as well but really dont think i have the stats to get into Penn. I want to start a thread for those who got deferred from cornell this year though i think it would make everyone feel better about their current situation.</p>

<p>GossipGirl- I have a chance thread up for Penn, it’s probably on the second or third pages, and it has my stats there :slight_smile: (I don’t know how to link)
That’d be great, I’d definitely look into a deferred peeps’ thread.
For Penn I think my decision hinges on my essays… my stats are solid, but then again so are thousands of other applicants’.
What school of Cornell did you get deferred from/what major?</p>

<p>I was a heavily recruited athlete, frosh-jun year gpa 3.4 weighted 1850 SAT scores 30-ACTs </p>

<p>anyone have any experience in this?</p>