<p>It's definitely very early to start filling out the app for cornell for the fall right now, but I'm sure many people on CC have plans to apply. Post questions, what cornell college you want to apply to, chances, stats, reasons for transferring, and well, just about anything. The acceptance numbers from CC have been pretty good in recent cycles, and I'm hoping they'll get better at the end of this one. I want this to reach the massive proportions of the spring thread.</p>
<p>I'll go first, for chances:</p>
<p>Current college: CUNY senior college (macaulay honors program)
Credits: 55 at end of fall semester
GPA: 3.9-4.0 according to midterms
ECs: plenty and varied within school, work 15 hrs/wk in an accounting office
Courses:Calc 3, orgo, macro, linear algebra,psych, german this semester
next semester:Diff q, abstract algebra, orgo 2, bio 2, health psych, comp sci,german
Cornell College: CALS
-->I want to major in Biology and Society</p>
<p>I know my courses are screaming engineering, but I'd much rather major in bio. Chance me?</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone that will apply!!!</p>
<p>^ good luck mate</p>
Current School: University of North Dakota
Credits: 28 at end of freshman fall semester
GPA: 4.0
ECs: a lot but ill list
15hour/week job, volunteering in several day long medical studies, conducting research for psych department, art club treasurer, selective leadership-honors program, 3 years bass guitar, 2 years guitar, 1 year accordion, created master database for local nursing home, 150+ hours community service.
Courses: geography, speech, sociology, german, art
Next semester: Existentialism, calc 1, german, social psychology, bio
Cornell department: arts and sciences
(maybe German studies double major)</p>
<p>Things to know from HS
3.63 unweighted
SAT 1900 (not worth mentioning to Cornell)
Top 20%
AP psych 4</p>
<p>Possible hook: from ND??</p>
<p>In the likely event of my imminent spring rejection (trying to stay positive!) I will definitely be applying again for the fall. </p>
<p>current college - community college (out of state)
gpa - 4.0 (will have 44 or so credits at the end of this semester)
ACT / SAT : 30 / 1990 (retaking both - most likely will not submit either for the fall)
ECs: phi theta kappa, 20-30hrs a week part-time job
courses: will have all pre-reqs for my major completed
applying to: CALS, Applied Economics and Management</p>
<p>I don’t know whether or not I’ll definitely apply to Cornell. I know I want to transfer, but I don’t know if Cornell is right for me (I want a hands on approach, and my friends at Cornell complain about the huge class sizes more than anything else). I love Ithaca (the town), but don’t like Ithaca College where I go now. I’d like to be in New York or Chicago, but I don’t have the $$$ for NYU (got in from HS but with no aid), and I don’t feel like I have the grades for Columbia/U of Chicago.</p>
<p>College: Ithaca College (across town from Cornell)
Credits: 18 at end of first sem
GPA: 3.8
Courses: Micro-Econ, French I, Intro to Philosophy, US Hist to 1865, Evolutionary Biology
Next semester: Macro-Econ, French I, Logic, Writing for H&S, Calc I, Badminton
ECs: Philosophy Club, College Radio for #1 college radio station in the country, Club Basketball, Server at mass
Cornell Department: CAS
Major: Philosophy/Econ Double Major
Possible Hooks: A member of the Cornell faculty in my major is writing me a rec, volunteer experience in Kenya, graduated early from high school, from Wisconsin.</p>
<p>HS Record
Dismal 3.4
ACT 29, SAT 2000 (taking the SAT again in Dec)
Four AP Classes
Captain/President of four sports teams/clubs</p>