<p>I will be applying to Cornell's hotel school but I need tips for the interview. Do you recommend I take the interview at the school or off campus. Does anyone know what they ask, and what they are looking for. Just need tips. Thanks!</p>
<p>I don’t know about tips, but I can tell you what I know…</p>
<p>I took it off campus since I’m on the other side of the country. If you have the opportunity to do it on campus, definitely go for it. Maybe your interviewer can show you around the on campus hotel too. My interviewer was a nice lady, Cornell graduate who had actually visited the hotel school for an event a week before the interview. She’s currently in the real estate business.</p>
<p>Besides the typical interview stuff, (what kinds of classes you like, what activities do you do, special conditions in your life etc) she asked me about things that are probably the most important factors in getting into the hotel school which are job experiences, career plans and travel experience(this was an unexpected question but it’s important… how do your travel experiences relate to what you feel about the hotel industry and etc). If you don’t have a lot of any of those, be ready to back up how what you have anyway relates to it :D. I have no work experience in the hotel industry… I don’t know how many high school seniors would. But I have some experience working at a restaurant, and also a lot of community service experience. My interviewer explained to me how it’s still relevant and made me feel a lot better about that. But I guess it wasn’t enough…</p>
<p>(Also, I made cream puffs for my interviewer. If I am seriously looking to go into food businesses then I need to provide something to show for it, right? lmao)</p>
<p>I think more so than Cornell learning about me, I learned more about the hotel school from the interview. I left the interview dying to go to the hotel school more than ever.</p>
<p>I got deferred btw. Applied ED to HA and CAS. I really thought I had a good shot. But I guess hotel school is really only looking for people who are cut out for the hotel industry. I have no other option but to get in CAS during RD and transfer to HA D:</p>
<p>Best of luck to you.</p>
<p>I’m from Hawaii so interviewing on campus was pretty much impossible for me. I met my interviewer at a starbucks near the travel company he works for. </p>
<p>Basically, the typical interview questions came up but the ones that really caught me off guard were the questions about my experience in the industry. Unfortunately I didn’t really have any experience in hospitality and I tried to stretch my previous work experience to make it sound like I had some hospitality experience. But by the end of the interview I felt stupid for trying so hard to try to impress the interviewer because the interview was very much an informational interview. In other words, don’t treat your interview like a test. Think of your interview as an opportunity to show your interests and experiences to a hotel school grad and let him/her give his/her two cents on how well-fit the hotel school is for you. </p>
<p>Good luck! But really just be yourself and don’t lie because even if the truth isn’t the most appealing, you can always find things to highlight about yourself to make yourself a better applicant.</p>
<p>thanks for the tip. Helps mucho</p>