Cornell Hotel School

<p>Hi! I am very interested in applying to the Hotel School. Could a current Hotelie describe their curriculum for me and the quality of their proffesors? Also, I have no work experience, and I am concerned this will hurt my chances. Have any current Hotelies got in without work experience? What other activites did you have to counter this?</p>

<p>Hey! I’m a second semester Freshman at the Hotel School and I absolutely love every minute of it. I believe we are first and foremost a business school with a special focus on hospitality. Our courses cover a wide range of the business industry that will prepare a student for almost any job in the field (or any service related field for that matter). Freshman year we take courses such as Financial Accounting, Microeconomics, Organizational Behavior, Hotel Operations, Food & Beverage, Managerial Communication, Business Computing, a Freshman Writing Seminar, and an elective or two. Basically, if it’s business related we cover it.</p>

<p>As for not having experience in the field that could definitely hurt an application. But you have to remember, “experience in the field” DOES NOT mean that you have had to work in a Hotel. Any job that required you to interact with a customer would count (server, cashier, sales person, etc.). Hope this helps.</p>

anyone else?</p>

<p>While I am not a Hotelie (ILRie), but some aspects of Hotel and ILR admissions are similar. An important aspect is FIT. You need to demonstrate how your interests and career aspirations fit with the Hotel Administration program. I was able to demonstrate through my extracurriculars and essays (did not have an interview) how my interests and aspirations fit with the ILR program. You need to do the same.<br>
Regarding work experience, I have heard it is quite important. I am assuming that you are not a current applicant. If so, then this summer I would recommend holding some sort of customer service position, as outinspace mentioned.</p>

<p>Thanks! Anyone else? Has anyone been accepted yet?</p>

<p>yup one of my friends just heard back last week</p>

<p>I’m a graduating senior and know that the acceptance rate for those who apply without hospitality experience is very low so do try to get some service-oriented work experience beforehand. It really will be an important factor. </p>

<p>The professors are top notch-- I always find myself going to find them for one simple thing that was mentioned in class, only to emerge a full hour later having discussed a lot more beyond the course. They are interested in getting to know you and are brilliant at what they do. The lessons will last a long, long time.</p>

<p>HI this thread is over a year old, but does anyone know what the hotel school looks for the most? For example, GPA, SAT scores, experience…?</p>

<p>interest in hospitality above all else</p>

<p>and experience a close if not tied second.</p>

<p>define “interest” how do they know…? does the interview and essay count a lot? also, what is enough experience?</p>

<p>did you end up getting into cornell hotel?</p>

<p>I’m interested in the admissions criteria too!</p>

<p>I’m an international student and I do the full IB diploma. I plan to apply to the Cornell hotel school with a high IB (predicted) score, but relatively low SAT scores… (I’m retaking!) </p>

<p>I do have lots of work experience though but it’s all school-related. I planed and managed a large scale fashion show at my school, I was also the master of ceremonies at TWO major events where GCSE and IB diplomas were awarded to students. That is a few amongst others. I am on the team of 3 school sports, I am one of the best art students in my grade so I have a lot of creativity-related EC work and lots and lots of community service. </p>

<p>Will my SAT score wreck my admission chances even though I can pretty much prove I am very passionate about this!? (I can be very persuasive - the essay)</p>