<p>does anyone know about cornell's interior design program from a personal point of view? how hard is it to get into the program and stay in it? what is the workload like? etc...</p>
<p>bump. anyone?
it's in the human ecology college.</p>
<p>someone has to know. lol.</p>
<p>theres an interior design program?</p>
<p>double post...sry</p>
<p>lol, yea. see that's the problem. no one knows about it. (cornell is ranked #5 in the country for interior design).
it must be no one in the program. that means i'll get in. lol. i wish.</p>
<p>I know of it lol, its like DEA or something. i dont think its too hard, one of the average work load majors.</p>
<p>I know about it because I'm applying to the same school and same department(design and environmental analysis), but not for interior design exactly- more for ergonomics. I don't know too much about the department, but hey we could end up in the same place!</p>
<p>up up up and away</p>
<p>the only thing I know is that it's not NASAD accredited and there is no ASID chapter.... which is not good</p>
<p>if it's in the school of Arch, it's very good and lots of hours in the studio to be expected (that's what I've heard)</p>
<p>I know a student who is a DEA major (interested in ergonomics). She's just a rising sophomore and therefore hasn't gotten into the major classes yet really. Freshman year workload didnt seem too bad. Some studio stuff, but nothing compared to architecture. It's a small major and the student group is thus pretty close-knit. Other than that I don't know too much.</p>
really interested
anyone applying for this?</p>
<p>it’s not in the school of Arch, it’s in Human Ecology and it’s the only interior design program in the Ivy league. that’s all I know about it, sorry</p>
<p>it is NOT in AAP (architecture, art, and planning). i think they only have 2 semesters of a “studio” which are nothing like architecture studios. its in humec</p>
<p>Cornell’s Interior Design program is option 1 under Design and Environmental Analysis in Hum Ec. There are 8 semesters of studio, 1 per semester throughout the four year program. The class of 2009 consists of 16 students-you can make up your own minds about how selective the program is. The program is nationally accredited and we do have an ASID student chapter. As with all design majors, there is a significant amount of work that is expected. If you’re interested I would check out the human ecology website or contact the school for more information.</p>
<p>Gotta love the Harvard kids. Ha.</p>
<p>alright well, it looks like as an admitted FSAD student i probably know more than most people who have posted on here, although sy262 has provided the most accurate and helpful information so far (so the OP knows who to listen to)</p>
<p>its not in Arch, its in Hum Ec along with FSAD
it’s called Design and Environmental Anaylsis</p>
<p>it’s a very interesting program. i went to the hum ec admitted students information session. it deals with creative problem solving, innovative and inventive design techniques, and new technology. I believe there is a significant amount of studio time involved (i believe the studio work is pretty different than arch, however). </p>
<p>i’m guessing the size and quality of the program is similar to FSAD. a hands on, studio concentration with a liberal arts and creative background. using knowledge of history and science to help enhance your work. cutting edge technology (there was some awesome stuff being used in the FSAD studios). a very small and tight knit group, FSAD has about 15-25 people a year in the program. the students i spoke to said that you become very close because you spend a lot of time in the studio together. while you are taught in class, a lot of your work takes place outside of class time in the studios (FSAD’s are open 24/7 i’m guessing DEA’s are as well). </p>
<p>you should check out the hum ec website, it is really helpful. i particularly found the curriculum sheets helpful in understanding what sort of distribution of courses is expected of students. also, definitely visit! talking to the students and professors in your major would really help.</p>
<p>hope this was helpful, there really isnt much information out there on FSAD and DEA</p>
<p>sy262…actually, how selective is it? I know that only about 15-25ish students are in FSAD each year and apparently only 16 for DEA this year, but I still find myself wondering how selective the programs are since I feel like not too many people have heard of them. It took me forever to discover Cornell. Do you have any idea how many people apply each year?</p>
<p>sy262 - thank you for your posts and alamode, thanks for offering the FSAD point of view.</p>
<p>Here is some more information someone who has recently experienced it first hand. </p>
<p>The College of Human Ecology is home to the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis. In the department there are several options; 1) Interior Design, 2) Human Factors and Ergonomics, and 3) Facilities Planning and Management. The department is small in comparison to others at Cornell, but boasts Master’s Degree programs as well as a Ph.D. </p>
<p>The small size of the department is one of its greatest strengths. Small studio and class sizes ensure one-on-one interaction with our distinguished faculty, and an environment that encourages growth and the flow ideas. From my experience, as an alumna of the program, it is a selective admissions process. Not only do you have to provide a quality portfolio, but you also have to pass through the College of Human Ecology’s admission process, which requires a thorough understanding of the college’s mission and how you will benefit from it and contribute to it. Do not be discouraged, providing a portfolio with your application is actually another way to set yourself apart from other Cornell applicants, and share more of your story. </p>
<p>The workload for the major is heavy. It’s not unmanageable, but design studios require a lot of time and effort. Like sy262 said, it’s similar to other design programs in this way. As a student in the interior design program you take at least one studio every semester, sometimes more if you elect to. In the first two years of the program you have to maintain high grades in the design studio in order to continue as a design student in DEA. Therefore, the program remains selective as students make progress towards their degree. </p>
<p>To repeat sy262, the program does have an ASID chapter and is nationally accredited. It was also ranked as the 4th best school for interior design in the country, and the 3rd best graduate school for interior design ([Cornell</a> Chronicle: Architecture program tops ranking](<a href=“http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/Jan09/Arch.rank09.da.html]Cornell”>Undergraduate architecture program reclaims top ranking | Cornell Chronicle)).</p>
<p>Alumni from Design and Environmental Analysis are all over the country working in some of the most prestigious Architectural and Design firms. While many students do pursue careers in design, the breadth of the education and the focus on design as problem solving prepares you for anything, and DEA alumni have had success in careers from finance to fashion. </p>
<p>As others have said, refer the the College of Human Ecology website, [The</a> College of Human Ecology, Cornell University-Home](<a href=“http://www.human.cornell.edu%5DThe”>http://www.human.cornell.edu), and the Design and Environmental Analysis website [Human</a> Ecology-Department of Design and Environmental Analysis-Home](<a href=“http://www.human.cornell.edu/che/DEA]Human”>http://www.human.cornell.edu/che/DEA). These are reliable and helpful resources. In fact, it sounds like CUAmbassador11 should have taken a look at these before responding as a representative of the University.</p>
<p>^i am sorry for my response earlier. i should have done more research before taking the initiative to post something that had no useful information at all. i did report the post and hopefully it will be deleted.</p>