Cornell is rich

<p>ERR...its IIT (Indian Institute of Technology)</p>

<p><em>smacks his head in frustration that noones said anything about his girlfreind</em></p>

<p>Lol... I didn't expect my one little random comment to cause this thread to devolve into an argument like this!</p>

<p>I'm not gonna say anything about the ethics or whatever of giving aid to internationals, but it would be good for Cornell as it would attract more bright kids from abroad.</p>

<p>agreed...heythatslife...but don't u think ur an invy wincy bit too late in contributing to this converstaion...i mean...its been almost 10pages long argument and u come and say that...nice...real nice</p>

<p>Hey, it's not my fault that you guys started arguing like that while I was away on a trip ;)</p>

<p>duh i can read, just joking but it would be really funny if u were talking about ITT</p>

<p>whats ITT????</p>

i guess sarcasim is not in ur guys vocabulary.


It's not .</p>