<p>Their admissions are both 27% admitted
Their fin aids are both pretty tough
cornell is need-blind, while, colgate is not
now I'm trying to decide which one is better for me:
i want to major in Anthropology or Foreign Languges
I need big amount of fin aid
I'm chinese, live in china, female
I have good academic records but ECs are limited
SAT scores will be reached on 28th Nov., should be around 2100</p>
<p>Does colgate offer need-based fin aid to all admitted students? Cause Cornell doesn't. If you check the admitted/enrolled intls at cornell you'll be in for a surprise. I think they have like about..15 fin aid spots for intls and admit a few hundreds (or at least this is last year's figure..I may be a bit wrong)</p>
<p>Hmmmmmm......,cant say about colgate,but cornell is indeed need-blind,BUT it provides very limited fin.aid to int'l students......and as it is limited,it is very competitive........</p>
<p>That is pretty weird, because in collegeboard, cornell's fin aid is 5,820,000/240
looks pretty generous, how comes it admits you and doesn't give you aid??</p>
<p>Yes, that's what it says; 5,820,000 dollars for 240 students, including undergraduates only. Of course this statistics are to raw to be trusted but that's still a lot.</p>
<p>lol,............the figure seems very nice,BUT,its for the local students.........goto their site n u will know about their GENEROUSITY for INT'L STUDENTS.......</p>
<p>hmmmm.........,that is true,......but..........although,they provide good number of scholarships(as the stats tell it all).......it is limited to int'l......which is approx..US$24250 PER INT'L student.......its not that generous like MIT and all............Very Very few will get full rides......n MANY will get 25% indeed..........n I think 25% is NOT generousity..........:D..</p>
<p>This is what they told me last year. I'll bold the essential stuff.</p>
Dear *******:</p>
<p>I am writing on behalf of the Committee on International Student Aid in
response to your application for financial assistance from Cornell. I
regret that we are not able to award the financial aid you have
requested. </p>
<p>Given limited funds, we can make only about fifteen financial awards
for international students each year and the awards are apportioned among
the seven undergraduate colleges. Criteria for selection include
financial need, academic strength, geographic diversity, and potential for
contribution to the Cornell community as a whole. Unfortunately,
because our resources are very limited, many worthy candidates are not
funded. We realize that in many cases this means that students with much to
contribute will not be able to attend Cornell.</p>
<p>If you are able to arrange alternate funding to attend Cornell, you
must return the Declaration of Finances form
<a href="http://admissions.cornell.edu/apply/international/2r_declaration_of_finances.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://admissions.cornell.edu/apply/international/2r_declaration_of_finances.pdf</a>
with bank verification that funds will be available for your entire
undergraduate program before we issue an I-20 form enabling you to apply
for a student visa. I should emphasize that all of our funds for
2006-07 have been committed and we do not expect any additional funds to
become available. Your financial planning must be done with the knowledge
that Cornell will be unable to assist you financially during the course
of your undergraduate studies. </p>
<p>We are genuinely sorry not to be more encouraging about financial
assistance. If you are still able to attend Cornell, please notify us by
May 1. In either case, we wish you well as you continue your education.</p>
<p>Wendy Schaerer
Senior Associate Director of Admissions
<p>But of course, let's listen to collegeboard, they obviously know better.</p>
<p>Btw,they didnt mentioned YEARS!!!!CB might have compiled that data for 5 or 6 years..........
I mean they didnt stated it that they are given EVERY year,it might for combined 5 or 6 yrs!</p>
<p>Yes, those are the so called "top universities" in china, but so far as i learned, in mainland china, any university's world ranking is pretty poor, and also it's unfairly tough to get in-it's tough not because it's good, but because there are too many students in china, and too few universities. so why would i bother to consider them, but...maybe I'll consider HK U</p>
<p>In the THES rankings, Beijing University is ranked 14; better than both Cornell and Colgate. Anyway, people shouldn't consider these rankings very much...if she wants to study abroad it must be for some personal reason, not because she wants to be on the top.</p>
<p>Well,what Kyo7 said is write......which ever unis I hav mentiond are right from the top list of THES,and believe me,they are not THAT bad in rankings all around the world.....n thats upto u indeed,whether u consider them good...its after all your point of view........I was just givin u the list of top colleges(from THES) in China n Hong Kong........
As for your question of colgate and Cornell.......let me tell u straight forward.....they both do offer fin.aid but in very very limited amount....CollegeBoard may b right but as they didnt mention the time period of their total collection of information,its better to STICK to what the unis say(as its about themselves..)..</p>