<p>I want to transfer to either Cornell and WUSTL. These were the schools that waitlisted me last year. My current school is University of Portland (Honors Program). The reason I want to get away from Portland is because I just to experience other schools outside of Oregon.</p>
<p>fall GPA: 3.63
Honors Philosophy- B+
Discrete Math- B+
Communication 101 - B+
Foreign Modern Gov't- A
Honors Project- A
Intro. to Theology- A</p>
<p>Spring Courses:
College Writing (107)
Linear Algebra (341)
Poli-Sci (300) (Research course)
Computer Programing (204)
Enviromental Econ (300)
Communication (320).</p>
<p>EC: INternational Club
Student Senate
Math Tutor</p>
<p>High School:</p>
<p>3.97 GPA
1780 SAT I (710 M, 530 V, 550 W)---I'm an international student, by the way</p>
<p>Do I even have a chance at these two schools? I think my rec from the profs are great. Almost forget, I am majoring in math and political science.</p>
<p>Test score and college GPA will keep you out of Cornell College of Arts and Science (8% acceptance rate) and likley keep you out of WashU, although they do have a much more generous acceptance rate.</p>
<p>Raise your Verbal score of SAT to 700s and the Writing section to 600s.</p>
<p>Regarding your ECs, the student senate is great, but what was your specific title/role? just curious.</p>
<p>Math Tutor and International Club really won't do you that much good cuz these days everyone's tutoring, and a mere participation in a club isn't adequate; they (meaning the adcoms) expect you to have taken a leadership role.</p>
<p>Although your HS GPA is fantastic, sorry to break this to you but it won't weigh as much as the college GPA. Don't get me wrong; it's still play a role, but not as strong to be a deciding factor. They look primarily at your college GPA, which is still good but could be better.</p>
<p>Some things I recommend you to do:</p>
<p>1.) Retake SAT (this is a MUST for you)
2.) Apply next year for Junior standing. Raise your grade by then to 3.8 range if possible.
3.) Take a leadership role in some of the clubs you are in.</p>
<p>If you do the above three, I think you'll have a great chance at both Cornell and at WUSTL.</p>
<p>His College GPA is fine enough to transfer. If he takes the SAT and does way better (i.e. 2150+ combined), then he's a viable candidate right now. The OP seems to be taking a difficult courseload judging from the given course levels and the adcoms will know he has the ability based on his exceptional HS GPA. </p>
<p>Brand is right in saying that you have limited chances at Cornell CAS. Consider the story of the 4.0 kid from Rice who didn't get in last year. You have better chances at WashU because of their 30% acceptance rate.</p>
Brand is right in saying that you have limited chances at Cornell CAS consider the story of the 4.0 kid from Rice who didn't get in last year
<p>And someone with a 3.5 college GPA and a 2.5 High school GPA got into HARVARD, which, as everyone knows, has even tighter admit rate than Cornell.</p>
<p>There are plenty of anecdotes out there where students with high stats is rejected whereas student with relatively lower stat is able to get in.</p>
<p>It's foolish to have anecdotes scare a potential candidate away from applying to his/her dream school.</p>
<p>Ok, that's true. The truth is that anyone applying to CAS is at a significant disadvantage. My anecdote served the purpose of exemplifying the difficulty of gaining admission into Cornell CAS. </p>
<p>An anecdote of an applicant gaining admission into Harvard with a 3.5 and a 2.5 only serves to delude applicant into a false sense of hope when the actuality is that gaining admission into Harvard is tough and based on myriad factors.</p>
<p>Further, my post as a whole did not really scare away the applicant. Rather, I provided more encouragement insofar as I detailed how the OP's college record was strong, which coupled with an improved SAT score could potentially get him into a better program right now.</p>
<p>Thank you for all your advices. The SAT score probably is going to get any better. I have taken it so many times that colleges might not take it seriously. Also, for dhl3, I am chairman of a committee in the Senate. </p>
<p>The reason I am not trying to apply to other schools because these were the schools that waitlisted last year. I applied to 14 school last years (I think something went wrong because I got waitlisted at CAS and WUSTL, but I didn't get into University of Oregon and Gonzaga). From that experience, I have no hope of getting into schools like Emory or Georgetown.</p>