Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

I know how you feel. My daughter had gotten at least 4 emails from them and thought we were on track for a URM likely(as previous years reported to getting theses and the correlation of a likely). It is disappointing.

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Well, does that mean that there is no admission? Maybe there are more likely letters on the way?

I believe there is still a chance when decisions roll out. I don’t think this is the end all be all, I just have no idea what percentage of admitted URM’s got the letter vs admitted URM’s that didn’t. I’m just going off previous posts I’ve read. It’s that extra assurance of knowing you are accepted.


We are holding on to the fact that the admissions office requested additional detailed information from us. I can’t imagine them going so detailed on every single student. However, I am not holding my breath. Anything can happen. When I look at the extremely qualified kids, doubt enters my mind. But again, who knows what universities are looking for.

In the case of URMS, it could be that the likelies are for extremely qualified candidates? I don’t know. At this point, who knows.

Good luck to everyone.

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Do the applicants who got likelies have the dots on their portal next to their checklist like some are saying they have? I guess that would answer the question whether it means acceptance!

I have dots next to my portal and I didn’t get a likely.

can you send a picture of how it looks?


It means your application is complete.

My brother and I received likely letters yesterday from Cornell, and we thought it was fraudulent. I called admissions this morning and it turns out it’s real and we’re Cornell 2026! I’m happy to answer any questions that anyone has, but responding to the current topic, I don’t have any dots next to my checklist.


Congrats! Do you recall what you had on your Financial To-Do List? i.e. Fed return signature required, verification worksheet 2022-2023? I had these two but now they are gone since FA office received and processed them.

Thank you!!! I’m looking at my financial aid to-do list right now and it shows “no current to do item information found.” However, I remember checking two nights ago (or maybe it was yesterday morning) and my verification worksheet appeared under the to-do list, but it was marked as received as of some time in February.

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Thank you! Do you recall the due date? Was it 3-1-2023 or 2-15-2022?


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Interesting. Thank you and congratulation!

Congratulations to those who received an acceptance and good luck to everyone who is waiting. I was deferred by SHA in the ED round and did not receive a letter March 2nd. Since my deferral, I had my boss at a top-tier hotel submit a recommendation and sent a LOCI. Cornell is my dream school and I have legacy from a parent. Do you think there is still a chance for me?

So do the dots mean anything?

All, please note that only a small percentage of students who go on to receive an offer of admission get a “likely letter.”

Typically less than 10% and often less than 5%.

In other words, over 90% of accepted students will not receive a likely letter. These letters are simply a marketing strategy by the university to attract students that the university has prioritized as important for meeting the university’s goals when constructing the class.


okay so you guys inspired me to look at my financial aid to-do list and i have 2 things there. they want my signature on my tax return (student) and i also had this message about my parent’s W2 - “We have received the required copy of your parents’ 2020 federal income tax return; however, their employer-issued W2 forms were either not included or are incomplete. The total of the W2s must match line 1 of tax form 1040.”
i never got emails about any of this and it’s well past the deadline now LOL oops; i might call financial aid and ask bc idk what the second message means

Next to the checkmarks? No, I have the same thing. It’s just UI thing I think

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My DS’s have dots next to the check marks… but didn’t get the likely.