Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

There was definitely a sentence with a link to withdraw your application previously.

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Yes it was there

Oh right! I remember link now, I think it disappeared for me over this past weekend

so is withdraw button gone for literally everyone?

Sounds like it

It’s weird that I can still access withdraw website (?) that is in my browser history. I did the same for Princeton and it said access denied but for Cornell I can still access it.

Can you post the link to the withdraw form?

I don’t think I can, because at the end of the url I think it contains my unique address so lol

Oh yes that’s right no for sure I totally understand it’s probs best to not mess with anything like that that might mess up our chances

Yes, my son received a likely letter from Cornel in 2018 about a month before Ivy Day. He was not an athlete.

Yes, my son received a Likely letter from the College of Arts & Sciences back in March of 2018.

So, the option to withdraw is in the cached version of the site? Basically, the site that is in your browser history?

Yes. I did the same for Princeton but it said access denied.

If it is in the cache, it’s the old site. Probably if we all look, we will probably have the same option in the cache file. The current site is the most updated.

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When yall login to your cornell portal and go to:
what do yall see?

do we click that link or is there a way to go through the portal

just login to your cornell portal and click the link

Does anyone remember if there was an option to apply for financial aid when filling out the common app? I know their process is a little different, and I can’t remember if I did it or not. I sent the FAFSA, but I never received an IDOC request and I can’t tell if that’s not a good sign…

im not sure if i did it right but it just shows times for info sessions for me

Is this something already on the portal or something that will look suspicious to Cornell?