Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

is there anyone who got deferred and their checklist is gone now?

Deferred, checklist and letter still visible.

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Ok, I think I found a pattern now. Whether the checklist is gone or not has nothing do to with admissions, but it is RD applicant vs deferred. At least according to responses I see.

  • I am 90% sure that this is true.
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Based on a sample size of three. :slight_smile:

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RD, no checklist and have letter

exactly same, applied RD

  • reddit

No one there has indicated which application round, so…

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some people did

Didn’t see any, but it’s a Law of Small Numbers thing, one way or the other.

If u got a likely letter, does that mean u r in?

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Does everyone have the upload materials tab still?


So if I didn’t get a idoc request from Cornell should I consider it a rejection?? I’m very confused about idoc.

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We didn’t even get an email or a request! We did not even know the to do list was there. We filled fafsa, css, and IDOC info out and there was still stuff on my kids to do list. Other schools sent emails out when they needed stuff, but we got nothing. Just happened to see other people mentioning it the other day and clicked on it. One says complete and 3 say “initiated”. Hope that does not matter.

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Nor did we receive an email. I just happened to check it and saw a list of items needed. Same with Penn

does anyone have a withdraw button

Well I hope it makes no difference in decisions! Lol

Nobody does.

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I don’t think it does.