Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

Unfortunately and fortunately, it’s not all about grades. There are algorithms and certain reasons why they might pick someone with a 3.7 over someone who is literally perfect. Who knows! Usually recs and essays are the deal breakers and personal stories.

After being rejected from every school got in for my second year so excited


no its a guarentee transfer

They don’t call it guaranteed anymore, but it’s pretty safe as long as you meet the basic requirements for the major. My son got a TO last year and he is now in the transfer process.


Daughter was accepted for biomedical engineering!


waitlisted but accepted into penn after being deferred! I was shocked after being rejected by northwestern, washu, Barnard, tufts, and vanderbilt in the same week. congrats to everyone that was accepted. to those who weren’t, you will thrive in any college community you are a part of.


My son’s stats were similar but not quite as high and he was waitlisted in addition to engineering ND and Michigan, denied Rice and UT Austin. Son’s friend is valedictorian and also denied with exact same stats as your son. He was waitlisted to 2 to Ivies-Denied the rest- but did make Georgetown :blush: ( so happy for that) I feel the test optional and Covid grade inflation was not kind to the high stats kids who gave up so much. This application cycle was brutal.


My daughter was accepted to human ecology as well :sunglasses:. Congratulations


Congrats to all! My son had a likely letter a couple weeks ago and we assumed he’d get his financial aid offer today. But he just sees an empty check list. Is anyone able to view financial aid info yet? Thanks!

I got TO!! super thrilled as Cornell is my dream school but also a huge reach. Anyone know any additional info?


Which school did she apply to?

Does anyone know which schools offer TO? Thx.

My daughter got into Dyson tonight!! Beyond excited and shocked. Such a rough process with a lot of rejections and WL….she didn’t open it for almost an hour after being notified.


Human Ecology, Policy Analysis.

If you can share a little bit about your experience with it (or just message me as to not clog up this thread) - I would appreciate it. Did your son count on doing the TO or go to another uni and use the TO as “insurance” in case he wasn’t happy where he went? How common is the TO?

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Mostly from CALS, HumEc, ILR, Dyson, and SHA. There are a few from CoE and CAS, but very limited number.

Yes I believe it’s just maintaining an average, but that’s good to hear!

My son’s experience may be a little complex. He got waitlisted at Cornell in April. When he had to make a decision in May last year, he picked USC Spring admit where he had a scholarship of half tuition. It was a tough decision for him after narrowing down to Emory with $2k and a full-ride at U Florida. USC Spring is a compromise between $ and school. He planned on taking some courses at a local community college in the summer and fall before going to USC in January.

He only received a TO from Cornell in the middle of June. He would have taken the U Florida full-ride for the 1st year and go to Cornell had he heard back earlier, but the deadline for the scholarship at UF had passed by then. He dropped all other schools too.

Cornell was my son’s dream school, so he was very excited when he received the TO. He visited the campus twice and loved it. He had choices that either he can spend his first year at a community college then transfer to Cornell after a year, or he go to the community college for a semester and enroll at USC in the spring and see if he’d transfer to Cornell afterwards. We eventually took the second option although it’s more expensive and complicated. We wanted him to have a real college experience earlier and he can have more choices in case he likes USC. That’s where the plan started to slip :blush: He fell in love with USC very quickly. Actually, he didn’t have the chance to visit USC before his application due to the COVID situation. He is now reluctant to transfer to Cornell. We are still pushing him to complete the application so that he can have the option available, but I am not sure if he will go. My preference is for him to move to Cornell as it’s much closer to home and it has a great student body. I personally believe that the most important thing in education is to put yourself in a group of smart, driven students. You can learn much more from your peers than your professors.

But, eventually, I will leave it to his decision. After all, enjoying college life is equally important as it’s the best 4-years in the whole life for many people.

Since you have received a TO this early, you are in a better shape to make your decision. What I have seen from the TO group of class 2024 is that people are taking different approaches. Some people went to other great choices. I saw people transferring from schools like Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, Berkeley, UCLA, USC, Carnegie Mellon, and so on. Some other people, actually a large group, went to state universities like Utah, Binghamton, UMD, and such. There are also students registered at community colleges. If you are set for Cornell, you may want to attend a state U or community college to save costs significantly. If you are not certain and want to keep more options open, you can pick the best school you like to spend your next 4 years.

I wish you the best of luck!


The requirements depend on the majors. At CALS, Bio Sci requires a GPA above 3.5, while other majors needs only 3.0. The number of required courses also varies. For all the required courses, you need to get a B at least.

Cornell has the nicest rejection letter my DS has received thus far.

Purdue Engineering Honors (will attend)
UT Austin Mechanical Engineering
UIUC Mechanical Engineering
UW Madison Mechanical Engineering
CU Boulder Mechanical Engineering
UW Seattle Engineering
Texas A&M Engineering

Georgia Tech
Carnegie Mellon
