Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

Thank you so much - I messaged you so as not to clog up this thread!

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My daughter received TO as well (for Human Ecology) It seems requirements vary by school. I found this for HE:
She was able to access details using her application email + 5 digit zip

“Students need to earn a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average, with “B+” or better grades at their undergraduate institution in each of the required courses .”

DD got TO for AG. Its kind of karma since 30 years ago I was wait listed at Arts and when I did not get accepted I was advised to transfer for my sophomore year. I had a great 3 years at Cornell - (and one surprisingly good year at SUNY) I am super thrilled for my daughter and for you too future alum


FWIW, S2 was accepted to Purdue for ENG, and when we went to visit we came away very impressed. A family friend was accepted MechE to both CMU and Purdue, and chose the latter($$ not an issue). The positive, unpretentious vibe there is pretty infectious.


Understood, is there any idea on when they will send the email about this information?

I got into the college of engineering last night. To say Im in shock is an understatement. after being waitlisted everywhere and rejected ED from vanderbilt I thought there was no way I was getting into cornell and was content on committing to wake forest and then praying I cleared a waitlist. Congrats to everyone - the process makes no sense


Congrats ! Amazing ending!

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There was really not much communication other than the webpage for transfer option. You can reach out to the admissions office at your college with questions. We also contacted the TO coordinator at CALS. He was able to answer most our questions. There were weekly Zoom calls hosted by the coordinator at CALS, but strangely enough, we have never received any information about that until we saw a post in the Facebook TO 2025 group. You can contact your college admissions to ask if they have such sessions available.

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Great engineering school. Just dont waste money buying tickets for their sports events. I am an alumni and have been suffering from their sport tragedies for 30 years! There is a reason why they are also called Purdont!

All kidding aside. Outstanding engineering school. Loved it while i was there and it challenged me.


Try cheering for Waterloo…wait a second, wasn’t Drew Brees from Purdue?

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Anyone know the date and time for the Admitted Student Day?

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See you at Purdue, California- lots of overlap…however I think the Stanford rejection letter was the best.


I would welcome any sharing of rejection letter wording if anyone is up for it. I have seen a variety of them and the quality/kindness has quite the range.

For Cornell?


I was wondering specifically about the ones that people were complaining about and those they said were great (ADH0621 specifically mentioned Stanford having a really good one). There have been complaints on other threads about some of the UC rejection letters. Not important; I was just curious about the range of content in some others.

I think Stanford’s was the best one.

has anyone gotten their financial aid package?

lol thats why i came here. i got a cornell likely letter earlier in the month and have been trying to evaluate my options: it’s between johns hopkins, cornell, and ucla. i know financial aid might be a consideration when evaluating (still waiting from cornell), but does anyone have some insight into the biology and pre-med programs within these three schools and how to compare?

Important update from Cornell regarding their wait list: “Wait list students have been asked to let us know by April 10 if they are interested in keeping their name on our wait list…It is also important to update your Cornell admission application if you choose to remain on the wait list, because we do consider the demonstration of continued interest by those students.

Admission updates can include a statement of continued interest, new grade reports, information about new honors or awards, and communication about additions or shifts in momentum related to your activities in and outside the classroom. We welcome any new information and invite wait list applicants to send it to us quickly using the following method. Log in to your Cornell Application Status Page, use the Supplemental Uploader, and select “Wait List Correspondence” from the drop-down menu to submit new information. “ See entire message here

D2 accepted into Cornell Engineering, she is opting for Purdue instead! Honors college, chill midwestern vibe, big ten atmosphere all won her heart over Cornell. Good luck to all!