Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions


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Does anyone know if the likely letters were sent only for SHA or for other programs like Arts and Sciences and Life Sciences?

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These were not likely letters. These were actual admission decisions.


Thank you so much!

Oh! Thanks for the clarification.

Does cornell have any indicator of acceptance ??? Like those portal astrology stuff???


Rejection doesn’t matter , acceptance matters. As long as there is a single decent college, I am happy.

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How are you able to see in IDOC which form each of the colleges have downloaded? I can only see a list colleges that have requested info and then separately I have column of the docs uploaded and processed.

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I don’t think you know. The best way to find out is to check their FA portal and see what has been received

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You can’t see in IDOC who has downloaded what. You can only see that you have uploaded it, that they received it and that it was processed. To see if the university has received it, you have to check their portal. With Cornell, you probably have a couple of days to catch it on their portal, once they process it, it disappears and the portal probably says, "No current to do information found”. If there is another way to check documents on Cornell’s portal, I haven’t found it. I tried digging deeper but couldn’t find anything.

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Thanks. It looks like Cornell’s financial aid system is down through this weekend. I will have to check back. Now I wonder if we had anything outstanding to complete as we might also fall into the needs signatures category. I had assumed my daughter would receive an email if there was anything else outstanding.

We thought we would get an email as well, but never did. I had my son check Penn as well and sure enough there were items we still needed to submit.

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Not Cornell, but we recieved a deep dive request for financial information for everyone living in our household from Princeton. We figured it was because our EFC on the Fafsa is low.

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Does this come up as a “worksheet” in the checklist? I can see that for a few of my daughter’s schools but I don’t recall filling that doc out.

That looks like a great sign.

yes, I believe it was some kind of verification

Thanks. we aren’t going to get our hopes up because GA Tech also asked for to verify FAFSA information and he ended up deferred. They didn’t ask ask for detailed household info though, so fingers crossed!

Long shot, but trying to think positively… will Cornell have in person accepted students day this year? If so, any idea when?

I’ve called the financial aid office since there was nothing about FA checklist in my daughter’s portal. When I asked about the FA application, she put me on hold and came back in a just few
minutes to confirm that everything is good and done. If anyone has any doubt or concern, you should give them a call.

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Thank you so much for sharing this. The Financial Aid portal reopened this morning and sure enough I had two items in the “to do” column. One said received (that’s the worksheet) and one said “initiated.” I uploaded the doc through IDOC again and hopefully it’s not too late!

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