Cornell Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

I am future applicant, and I am stressed just looking at the messages. Good luck to everyone!


I’ve been able to check D22’s Financial Aid To Do list over the last few days, as well as just now. (Edit:looks like you now have access).

I also did not receive any email alert. I re-uploaded the exact same document they say they didn’t receive (currently shows “initiated”, confirming receipt).

I uploaded the signed document into IDOC but that’s saying it can take up to 10 days to process. When I uploaded the documents originally, they were processed in a couple of days so I’m hoping the doc will make make it’s way to cornell quickly, but really they already have the document, it’s just the signed version they are looking for. I honestly don’t know how I missed the checklist in the first place!

Is the checklist solely needed if applying for financial aid?

I would assume so. It’s not the easiest to find clicking into the portal, at least on my daughter’s portal. It’s 3-4 clicks away from the mail portal.

We talked to financial aid yesterday and she told us to email them in a few days to see if they received the documents.

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I just reloaded the checklist page and the item cleared out. Phew! It processed through IDOC within a few hours and it seems Cornell has received it. Thankful for everyone’s help!

I think someone mentioned something about the possibility of minority students receiving likely letters around mid- March. I hadn’t heard of that before. Any additional information? Like Is that for all minority students they want to accept or just some? Thanks …

Neither. The likely letters (other than for recruited athletes) are sent to a few highly desired applicants who, based on their accomplishments, potential and/or background, the school is proactively seeking to enroll. It’s not based simply on being a minority.

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Historically, yes, there have been some early acceptances for URM. I have no idea if that will be the case this year but in years past, yes.

Just to be very clear, simply being a qualified URM doesn’t get you a likely letter. There are other factors that are the main determining factors.
Alternatively non-URMs have received likely letters as well.

Also, overall LLs are pretty rare.

Got it. Thanks!

Yes, I’m aware. The question was if there was a possibility of URM students receiving likely letters or being made aware earlier of a pending admission earlier than the actual decision date and the answer is, yes. At least the last 8-10 years. Of course not all URM who apply get a likely letter or get admitted! But Cornell actively and specifically recruited URM applicants and in the past hosted special weekends for the students. Again, I have no idea if that will be the case this year.


I’ve seen reports of this on other ivy threads this year. Some URM with very good profiles are getting likely letters- probably because all the elites are vying for the same URM.

Yeah, top of the line. There are probably very competitive URMs out there.

Completed/Uploaded Verification worksheet for another school as it appeared in IDOC a couple of days ago and now per Cornell FA portal, Verification worksheet appeared and indicates “received” with a due date of 3/1/2023. I didn’t have this before. Fed return parent signature is the only one I had as a “received” item with a due date of 2/15/2022. I never got an email from Cornell to upload any other documents. Curious if I should contact the FA office or not. Perhaps this is standard procedure. Don’t want to get my hopes up either :slight_smile:

I just uploaded the signed version of Fed return because it was on the portal as a to do, and the same day it was marked as received by Cornell, it appeared in the portal of 2 other colleges that had not requested it (or at least had not requested it from me). Seems like it must have gone in automatically. Interestingly the other 2 schools were also Ivies. It did not appear in any other school’s portal. Just thought that was interesting.

Just found out that Cornell was missing several Financial Aid forms. It’s Friday so the earliest we can get them in is Monday (one requires a notary). Does that mean that all of the other schools are also missing these documents?


I think it depends. What were the missing documents? We’ve uploaded our DOC in IDOC and Verification Worksheet was received with a due date of 3/1/2023. Have two items on the to-do list. 1) Parent Fed return signature and Verification Worksheet

Yes those are the 2 we are missing also. I didn’t notice that the verification worksheet was due a year from now.


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