Cornell SHA RD 2027

How are we all doing guys?

When do decisions typically come out?

March 1st to 5th for “early” decisions and the rest will be on ivy day which is around the 31st.

Good, super nervous tho!!!

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@Summer_Schnabolk1 Do you have any information about international students?

Did anyone receive anything today?

Not yet.

Same here. Maybe tomorrow?

Lets hope! Do the Nolan School decisions consistently fall on the same day of the week each year? It seems like all my other decisions come out around a Friday at 5pm.

@2027Looking In past years it was either March 1st, 2nd, or like the 5th (according to past year’s threads). I’m assuming early decisions will be out anywhere from the 2nd to the 5th.


Hi guys, so you think the decisions for SHA will be out this week and not on ivy day? 31st march??

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@Summer_Schnabolk1 do you think the decisions will be out? for those who applied ED? for the class of 2027?

Yes, they’ve released this first week for four years so we are basically praying that they stick to that

where did you see this news?

Check dm’s!

They send out early acceptances from the 1st to the 5th. Rejections, waitlists, and acceptances are sent out on the 31st. You can still be accepted if you do not receive an early acceptance from the 1st to the 5th.

Just to clarify: they have historically sent out early acceptances from the 1st to 5th. You can still be accepted without receiving an early decision (the amount of students that are accepted early and the amount accepted on ivy day is unknown).

Anyone hear anything back yet?

I have not.

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If anyone has please let us know lmao

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