<p>So, the choice is basically down to these two. Does Cornell really just blow Carleton out of the water academically so there's no contest? I put down my major as math, but that could easily change. I have to decide whether to visit the schools (I haven't visited either) this month or not. I'd probably choose Cornell if it weren't for the fact that I could play football at Carleton and the coach there is urging me to visit. Man, without that football coach I'd have chosen Cornell in a heartbeat.</p>
<p>dude, think about it urself, you would only go there b/c of football, think about this 10 years down the road, if that football experience was that important to you, as i consider your not going for the NFL (i doubt that carleton is the best way to get there....perhaps, a big state school like michigan would)</p>
<p>Id say Cornell</p>
<p>Cornell (10characters)</p>
<p>doesnt anybody else find it disturbing that people are so eager to advise others about whom they know very nearly nothing to attend a college about which they know, well, very nearly nothing?</p>
<p>it sounds like you havent visited carleton so by all means do so. should you go there just because you can play football? thats not for us to decide. but its not as if youd be attending a bad school to do so. the education you will receive at either school will be stellar... carleton gets blown out by no one. youre making a decision on where youre going to spend the next four years of your life and likely a lot of someones money. use the rankings in that magazine to compile an initial list of schools. but dont let it make your decisions for you... because it doesnt have a clue who you are. </p>
<p>luckily, you do have a clue who you are. youre a brilliant person who just gained admittance to two of the best universities in america. dont give up being smart now.</p>
<p>These are two very good schools. Academically, they are both really good. I think that you should probably visit both to see which school environment fits you best.</p>
<p>I think the choice boils down to whether you prefer a university or an LAC...the environment...and perhaps New York versus Minnesota. This might be one of the rare times you could say that Cornell would have a warmer climate...LOL</p>
<p>Thanks everyone. Any other suggestions?</p>
<p>Academically, I think they are equal. Cornell has better name recognition. Carleton won't have TAs teaching classes. Carleton students are less stressed. You'd probably get more playing time on the Carleton football team. I'm not sure about Cornell, but it could be easier to change majors at Carleton.</p>