Cornell vs. UC Berkeley Engineering

<p>Hrm? Pros, cons?</p>

<p>berkeley...location location. and good weather</p>

<p>cornell ... location and weather (ranging from very hot until october to snowboarding and ski heaven from late december until february).</p>

<p>depends on the type of community you want:</p>

<p>I've heard cornell's is a lot tighter while berkeley is separated between majors. Also, I think berkeley's engineering program is better in general.</p>

<p>Yep, Berkeley's engineering program is better overall at least by rankings, yet that really doesn't matter too much for undergrad and also the rankings are for grad school. However, you should consider whether you want a semi-tropical place or a place where you'll freeze your ass off for half of the year. And there's the east vs west thing</p>

<p>Berkeley does have better rankings. However, I think that the college ranking itself is as important as major rankings. Cornell college definitely has higher rankings, and I think academic wise, Cornell is better. Berkeley engineering is extremely tough, and it's hard to get even decent GPA's (like above 3.0). Having said so, Cornell engineering is equally challenging, but perhaps they're slighlty more generous on giving higher grades. Nevertheless, if location and weather is a major concern, Berkeley is great. Berkeley is extremely convenient, take the BART 30 min. and u get to San Francisco. Cornell's basically in the middle of nowhere. I have very close friends who go to Berkeley and Cornell studying engineering. Personally, I picked Cornell over Berkeley.</p>

<p>meestasi, Berkeley has better undergraduate rankings too, according to USNWR.</p>

<p>I fish to find the founder of USNWR and force his face into boiling water and then thrust his face into dry ice and then ask for his opinion.</p>

<p>Cmmn...if USNWR says Cornell's lower, then why did it kick Berkeley's ass in every RoboCup and SAE tournment.</p>

<p>berkeley's engineering school seems to have all the pros. although it's tougher to get the better grades, grad schools are aware of the difficulty level. the weather is much brighter and warmer than cornell's, i'm sure. plus...did everyone forget that berkeley is like 99% asian? helloooooo, hot asian girls. PICK BERKELEY, DUH.</p>

<p>I heard from many people/sources that the Berkeley undergrad experience is absolutely terrible. Berkeley is great for grad school w/o a doubt, but you will definately be in a more enjoyable environment at Cornell for your undergrad career.</p>

<p>Hot asian girls FOR SURE :P</p>

<p>hey theres hot asian girls at cornell too</p>

<p>many 10 char</p>

<p>Ummm, I live in the Bay Area and I've visited the Cal campus. Not that many hot girls there =. I'm planning to visit Cornell before I make my decision.</p>

<p>My main concern right now is whether Cornell's engineering is as good as Cal's (or atleast close) and the entire undergrad experience (social life, etc.).</p>

<p>I chose Cornell over Berkeley EECS. Because I don't like Berkeley. It's all run down and disgusting. Plus the professors absolutely don't care about their students.</p>