<p>How do you differentiate a fire?
stick a 'LOG' on it! HAHAHAHHAHA </p>
<p>Okay, okay here's one:</p>
<p>Where does bad light go?
To a prism! </p>
<p>Let's hear some more.</p>
<p>How do you differentiate a fire?
stick a 'LOG' on it! HAHAHAHHAHA </p>
<p>Okay, okay here's one:</p>
<p>Where does bad light go?
To a prism! </p>
<p>Let's hear some more.</p>
<p>Ok… </p>
<p>Where do cows go for entertainment???</p>
<p>-They go to the Moooovies! </p>
<p>Oh yeah, I’m awesome.</p>
<p>So a seal walked into a club…</p>
<p>Want to know something funny?
Women’s rights.</p>
<p>(This makes me laugh although I’m one of the biggest feminists out there, and of course, female. lol)</p>
<p>This is my all time favorite right here:</p>
<p>Why did the girl fall off the swing?
-Because she had no arms.
But why did the MONKEY fall off the swing?!?
-Because it was stapled to the girl!!!</p>
<p>Go ahead and tell me it sucks.</p>
<p>What’s long and sticky?</p>
<p>– A stick!</p>
<p>I have so many more but they are mostly dirty lol</p>
<p>people were formed from dirt, told not to eat from a garden but they did, and exiled to a far away land. then, some guy put a flood over the earth but letting 2 of everything stay alive so that everything could reproduce. somewhere along the line, some guy raped his father even. ewww</p>
<p>the joke goes on, but i try to filter it out of mind it’s that corny of a joke.</p>
<p>You definitely are good at substandard (falling short of a standard or norm) humor.</p>
<p>Ah, you really need to see/hear me tell this joke, but I’ll try to write it out.</p>
<p>So there’s a guy walking down the street. He sees a man dressed as a pirate, except he has a big steering wheel stuck in his pants. So the guy asks the pirate, “Hey pirate, why on Earth do you have a steering wheel stuck down in your pants?”</p>
<p>To which the pirate responds “ARGGGH it drives me nuts!”</p>
<p>Two guys walk into a bar.</p>
<p>The third one walks around it.</p>
<p>How did Helen Keller’s parents punish her???</p>
<p>-They rearranged the furniture. </p>
<p>Ok, not really corny, just kind of mean.</p>
<p>Two peanuts are walking down a street. One gets assaulted.</p>
<p>^… peanut.</p>
<p>Pete and Repeat were on a boat. Repeat fell off. Who was left?</p>
<p>what’s the most popular nation in the world?</p>
<p>What do you get when you combine meat, cheese and bread?</p>
<p>A sandwich</p>
<p>That’s what she said.</p>
<p>I love that’s what she said jokes.</p>
<p>Here’s my only one (the “one was assaulted joke” already being taken)</p>
<p>“What did the pig say to the horse?”
Highlight for answer: why the long face? lol terrible.</p>
<p>This thread has potential to be memorable</p>
<p>^ I agree.</p>
<p>My friend told me the most racist, cringeworthy, offensive joke I have ever heard. Pretty short too. I nearly punched him for saying it (and I’m not that race).</p>
<p>I don’t really want to tell it though… it’s * that * bad.</p>
<p>A less offensive one:</p>
<p>So a termite walks into the bar and asks, is the bartender here?</p>
<p>And one more:</p>
<p>What’s long, hard, and full of semen?</p>
<p>A submarine!</p>