Coronavirus: What are You doing ( if anything) to prepare/ What are you personally observing?

Nothing specifically in response to the virus. A lot of the precautions they recommend we’ve already done because I am afraid of the flu - especially with the baby due any time.

Stocking up on crap I thought I had a few more weeks for though because of the run on supplies. Like hand sanitizer - which I had to buy from a bulk site.

And now I find out distilled water is sold out a bunch of places too. I need it for my APAP machine!

Nothing seems to be happening around here either. Restaurants and stores are just as busy but costco seemed like black friday the last two times we went in there.

I’ve not changed anything and haven’t taken any steps.

This isn’t SARS or MERS/

I’m not buying n95 masks because the current expert opinion is that they aren’t needed for the general public.

I’m going to England in 6 weeks and will be unhappy if it gets cancelled.

@eb23282 Me, too. I wish it weren’t happening, but I feel it is a good time to get in. Now…how low before I jump.

I work mostly from a home office. D is in Seattle and has underlying health issues. H has major underlying issues, so a little concerned there. Wish I could tell the appropriate level of concern necessary. I get really tired of the media overblowing every subject.

I have June and August tickets to music concerts in an 80,000 capacity stadium. Wondering if there will be any impact on these?

I’ve read stuff online from people who are going overboard like it’s the zombie apocalypse. They are convinced no one will be alive to run municipal water treatment plants. Seriously.

Working in a male dominated industry, the guys I worked with would talk about the other guys who weren’t hand washers. Yuck. Never encountered that in the women’s restroom.

I don’t tend to stock a lot of food in the house so at some point, I’ll stock up for some nonperishable/frozen items. I tend to cook and bake from scratch mainly but I plan to buy some convenience foods I don’t usually buy, like canned soup, in case we get sick and don’t have the energy to do more than heat something up. Other than that, not much.

I’m not noticing much activity here. I went to the library and grocery store yesterday. Both had the normal amount of activity. Grocery store seemed well stocked. I also went to church and out to eat - possibly less people at both.

My just in case:

I purchased an abundance of cat food and litter and plenty of Dr. Pepper (my version of coffee).

I already have rice, quinoa, oatmeal, grits, crackers, peanut butter and jelly, some tuna and sardines (though not enough to last more than a week or so).

Otherwise, nothing. I have some Advil, Zyrtec, cough drops, hand sanitizer (purse size) and a few masks and gloves from when my husband was sick.

I am being careful about touching my face and hand washing. I plan to think more carefully about where I go and when. I’ll definitely avoid large gatherings. I’m lucky I can do so. Nowhere I have to be. I’m most likely to be exposed through family members who - being invincible - will roam hither and yon and then show up here.

I haven’t gotten my pneumonia shot yet and am overdue. I’m thinking about doing so in the next couple of days. I want to hit a pharmacy before it gets busy for the day, as opposed to getting at the doctor’s office. I don’t want to sit in a waiting room with those who are sick, whether with a cold/flu/etc.

Not overly worried other than the financial hit.

I bought a big jar of cashews, and three small bottles of a Purell knockoff.

We won’t use the Purell at home…we have sinks, water and soap.

We aren’t buying extra drinking water…we have a well…with excellent water.

We have plenty of food. And kitty food and kitty litter.

No precautions at all. It’s silly when there is not a single confirmed case in our entire state. I’m flying from Texas to Maine tomorrow. I guess I’ll wash my hands more often, but that’s it.

More importantly, I won’t text as I’m driving from the airport to my house.

Not doing anything out of the ordinary. Not stocking up on anything.

I always have plenty of food on hand–both in the big freezer and in the pantry. I keep both latex gloves and n95 masks in the house. (Gloves for when I clean the catbox. Masks for glassworking because I often work with powdered glass and you really, really do not want to inhale finely ground glass.) I have disinfecting wipes (peroxide and bleach) on hand, leftover from when I had what was likely a norovirus infection last year. I’ve always carried a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse to use before I touch my food when eating outside my home.

My biggest challenge will be not touching my eyes. It’s allergy season and my eyes are goopy and itchy all the time so I’m frequently rubbing them this time of year. I see my eye doc this week so I’ll ask her for an allergy eye drop prescription.

Both Ds are doctors. Neither are overly worried about the coronavirus. One D, who was supposed to vacation on the Almafi Coast with one of her co-residents this week, decided to stay in Paris yesterday instead of traveling on to Naples. In their case, the young doctors made the decision not so much because they are concerned with contracting the coronavirus in Italy, but rather because they were worried they might be quarantined when they returned to the US, leaving their department understaffed. Other D will be traveling to the US on Tuesday from overseas (Australia). She is not taking any extraordinary precautions during her travel and will report to work on Thursday.

And as a contrarian investor I’m buying stocks right now. Great shopping opportunity!

“I’m sort of stumped why the purell shortages. If I’m stuck at home contact with other will not be a factor and besides, what’s wrong with soap and water? (I get some purell for traveling but otherwise??”

Correct if there are quarantines put in place. But Purell is not just for “ travel”. For me I use it: when I leave one store to go to another, on the train to work and in the station, at the courthouse. There are bathrooms these places but they are repulsive and often are out of soap/paper towels/more than a tiny trickle of unpleasantly cold running water.

At home and in my office I use soap and water but it’s not accessible for a good chunk of my days when I’m around the most people.

No stocking up extra food. There is only two of us. We usually have enough, canned, dry food and frozen foods to last us 2-3 weeks anyway.

Wash hands more often and longer. Need to remind myself not to touch my face (hard to break this habit).

The only thing we’re lining up to do is a plan to have FIL (age 91 with heart issues) ride it all out in a relatively secluded vacation cottage that is already well stocked.

Went out to eat today at a Chinese buffet. Quite a few others were there so I doubt many are avoiding anything here (in VA currently) yet.

I can easily see the financial hit hurting many people if businesses slow or stop. Where we live many folks live paycheck to paycheck. Most small businesses don’t have extra stashed away for this type of emergency either. We’ll be trying to support those we really like when we return home this week.

Otherwise… watching German cases and pretty much coming to the conclusion our Germany/Poland trip the end of April/May will likely at best be reduced to just Poland. Even that might not happen pending the next six weeks. Not canceling anything yet.

Have $$ to go into more stock, but certainly not at the “buy” point yet. Not selling any we own either. We’ll wait it out.

The only thing I am doing is mailing off a little “germaphobic mom” care package to my daughter who is flying to Boston next week… Husband has flown a couple times recently and he has used hand sanitizer more than he normally would.

Not doing much other than being depressed over stock market drop and it’s potential impact to retirement, and watching travel issues (I’ve already paid for a big trip to Italy for my husband’s 60th bday this summer). We are thinking we’ll plan driving trips and not flying, just in case things get a little crazy.

More frequent and more thorough hand washing for me only.

I did notice at church today more people giving little waves during the passing of the peace, rather than handshakes and that there were bottles of Purell by the doors and the food. It also seems like fewer people went up for communion today too.

I’ve changed nothing. I’m not stockpiling anything.
I’ve seen no evidence of that either.

I’d like to go to the gym, but then I think, do I really want to use the exercise machine at a gym that is across the street from a hospital where there is a coronavirus patient? They’re good about cleaning the machines, but it seems like there would be so many opportunities for me to get viruses on my hands, if an infected person had used that exercise bike or that floor mat before me.

I think the fast we live on an isolated island in an isolated state, and have had problems getting toilet paper and other supplies in times of hurricanes and shipping strikes makes people in our state more inclined to go and stock up when told to do so (as we were told by our authorities in our state).

We have a private well, so if we lose power we also lose water. People in our situation always keep a stockpile of jugs of water on hand. I can see how some people might do this in response to the coronavirus because if there is a weather-related power outage while they are under quarantine, they would still need access to bottled water.

We aren’t doing much more than vigilant handwashing and side-eying people who go out in public while visibly I’ll.

We are also watching the stock market. We may not catch the virus, but we will all suffer some effects of economic disruption.

I haven’t purchased anything out of the ordinary. I did notice a woman at Trader Joe’s put almost all the packages of dried broccoli (from the snack section) into her cart. Wonder if she was stockpiling?

Honestly I am just happy to see the days getting longer and that I see sunlight at 6pm.

It is what it is. More worried about my retirement funds dwindling.

@Massmomm or they well owners have a generator that can power their well…and sufficient gas to power the generator.

We don’t stockpile water here. But we could if we needed to. We have plenty of vessels we could fill.

We are stockpiling nothing.