Corps of Cadets Class of 2022

With so many acceptances coming out, I was wondering how many of you (or your children) were planning on being in the Corps? My son is and we are super excited. My husband and I are both Aggies. although never in the Corps, and my son has been interested for several years. He has a few friends that are already in the Corps so he knows what he’s getting into - at least somewhat :slight_smile: He did the SNWC last year and that sealed the deal.

Jennifer, My son is a freshman in the Corps. A big welcome to you and your family. It’s the tightest network you can imagine, and such a great decision.

We are anxiously awaiting a decision for my daughter, but she is planning on doing the Corps if admitted.

My son will be joining the Corps as well. I am an Aggie (Class of '91) but had no connection with the Corps while I was a student. I took my son to football games since he was little and one day last year, Fall of 2016) he announced he wanted to join. I was in disbelief, but thrilled. I took him to Aggie Saturday last year and this solidified his decision rather than talk him out of it. Now he is admitted and we can’t wait for his NSC in early June! I need to look up how to sign him up for Fish Camp asap too. Santa brought him his storage locker and lots of A&M fan gear. I keep trying to join the Aggie Mom clubs and Facebook groups, I am so excited, but it seems for most we have to wait until after FOW. Oh, well, I’ll just keep smiling! :slight_smile: :-bd

@addicted2MT Our story is so similar. I am class of 91, husband is 88. We live 8/9 hours away but have taken our kids to A&M games their entire lives. We were a little surprised as well when our son mentioned the Corps although he does have several friends in it now that really like it and that helped him finalize his decision. He is registered for the May 31-June 1 NSC. He also registered for Impact and will go to Fish camp before FOW. He has a twin sister that we couldn’t convince to go to A&M :(. She is doing a Gap year and then plans on going abroad for college. Trying hard to convince her to go to A&M after her gap year - we will see :slight_smile:

@addicted2MT My son is a current fish in the Corps, but I remember your user name from this time last year. I haven’t been on here since then really because I’ve been stalking “everything Corps” instead. I bet you can get into some of the Corps mom Facebook groups after your NSC. You’re going to need that support BEFORE and DURING FOW. Waiting until the end of FOW would just be rough, even though I understand their point (so many quit during FOW). They told me the same last year, but then they let most people in after their NSC.

Thanks for the tip @kaydeeloo ! I will reach out to them after his early June NSC.