Corps residence hall

<p>Hi everyone. I am an international student who is admitted for 2014Fall semester. I would like to know more about the life as a corp of cadet and the residence hall. How tough is the training in the corps? I used to run 4000 meters every morning everyday with no difficulty and how demanding can the physical trainings be? Are cadets only supposed to live in the corps residence hall only? Also I would like to go for LCC. Can I still join LCC as a cadet? Any suggestions and information will be welcomed. Thanks.</p>

<p>Hey, Im not in the Corps of Cadets right(applied for spring 2014 semester) now but I do know a lot about the. The Corps of cadets is a great program to get involved in. It will help you become a better leader. The Corps of Cadets puts academics over everything, you join into an outfit with people of the same major(or close to) as you do, so you have the uppersclassmen, who have gone through what you will be going through, to help you and tutor you. If you ran 4000 meters every morning, you should be fine with the physical fitness training. Main pt sessions are mon-wed-fri, but there are more different type of physical fitness you may do, like obstacle courses and what not. The Corps of Cadets is like the military in some ways. You will make friends for life, a great saying they have is that the Cadets in your outfit will marry you and burry you. You do have to live in the dorms(as they call them), but that is better off because like I said it is a lot like the military, you have room inspection and other types of training. The Corps is a great thing to look into, i suggest trying to visit the Corps sometime, if you go onto the Corps of Cadets website they have a lot more information on there and program where you can visit the Corps, like spend the night with the corps (I did this when i was in high school and it really helps you get a better understanding of the Corps).</p>

<p>My son is currently a senior in the Corps and the Aggie band and he loves it. He will tell you that while he doesn’t love 100% of it - he is truly glad he joined and would recommend it as a great way to experience A&M. The structure and discipline has been great for him learning time management. And his ‘fish’ buddies are definitely friends for life! Go do the ‘Spend the night with the Corps’ program to get a glimpse of the Corps… My dad is still in touch with all his fish buddies and he graduated over 50 years ago…</p>