Correlation between 100 grade and 4 GPA

<p>There was a similar topic posted here, but I wanted to ask separately. Does a 4.0 GPA = 100.0 in terms of percentages? And a 99 = 3.99?</p>

<p>this really depends on the school. my school gives out 4.0 when you have a 93.5% or higher. 89.5 to 92.4 is a 3.5 (B+) and so on.</p>


<p>All along I thought people who had 4.0 GPA’s had 100s in every class and I was wondering how that was possible because some classes like in my art you just don’t get a 100 …lol. I hope my school requires at most a 97 for a 4.0.</p>

<p>Yeah, a 4.0 doesn’t say anything about the percentage you received, just that it was in the ‘A’ range, which for me is 93%+.</p>

<p>at many schools - a 90 is an A</p>

<p>You can’t convert between GPA and percent average.</p>

<p>Here’s one example:</p>

<p>[GPA</a> Conversion Chart](<a href=“]GPA”>Calculate Your GPA With Our GPA Scale | The Princeton Review)</p>

That is only one way. At our school, a 90 is worth 4.0 and an 80 is 3.0 (assuming non-weighted classes).</p>