<p>It seems like the old waiting board got closed. :U
Anyways, if you're an alumni, tell us about your experience there! I'd love to hear about it-- I enjoyed reading the ones from old threads.</p>
<p>If you're anxiously waiting, like I am, tell us which cluster you applied to and why. I'm kind of interested in your opinions on math and science subjects. </p>
<p>For me, I applied to UCD's "Mathematics", ehm the physics cluster haha, and the "Mathematical modeling of biological systems".
I applied to mathematics, but I didn't really want to put it as my first choice. :P I would have much rather had Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems as my first, but I digress. What sparked my interest with that cluster was when I read this research paper I found on Reddit about applying Darwin's evolution theory to inanimate matter, and in that they talked about a molecular fountain and after I read it, it was was like boohshshomufuuofff! "I have to apply to that cluster!" If you want the link to the paper, you can PM me haha.</p>
<p>I'm a currently sophomore.</p>
<p>Thanks for creating a new thread. :)</p>
<p>Campus: UCD
Clusters: Chemistry of Life (8), Intro to Engineering Mechanics (3), and Computers in Biophysics and Robotics (5)
I really want to get into Cluster 8 because I would like to pursue a major in Chemical Engineering. Cluster 8 would give me early exposure to nanotechnology, the field I would love to enter later on. 
I’m a sophomore. ^^</p>
<p>Woohoo! Let’s hope this thread stays clean.</p>
<p>Campus: UCD
Clusters: Chemistry of Life (8), and that’s it! Only one cluster interested me.
I really want to get in! Just 3 weeks left! :]</p>
<p>Campus: UCSD
Clusters: tissue engineering, and bioengineering. </p>
<p>Thank goodness for a new page :)</p>
<p>Campus: UCSD
Clusters: tissue engineering, red blood cell, light</p>
<p>New thread :D</p>
<p>We would probably have some free time (during weekends) at Cosmos, so do you guys think it is a good idea to take an online class at the same time?</p>
<p>What are some colleges with good online classes? I checked UCLA, but it does not offer any courses that I am interested in. :[</p>
<p>No, all alumni have advised all audacious students otherwise because you definitely won’t have enough time to do anything besides COSMOS. Apparently, even on weekends, you will be hanging out with students from your cluster and doing activities and won’t have time to study SAT’s and whatnot.</p>
<p>My cousins friend told me that every chance she had, she crammed in studying vocab for the SAT.</p>
I know this is a weird question but I’ve always wondered if you were a boy or a girl, haha. We applied to the same clusters, btw x)</p>
<p>LOL I am a girl and I have a birth certificate to prove it ! :P</p>
<p>@MomentumA7 I’m a girl too. :] Teeheehee.</p>
<p>Best birthday present=getting in 
Maybe I’ll be lucky :D</p>
<p>@nicolestarb I wish you the best of luck! And happy early birthday! :]</p>
<p>Campus: UCSC
Clusters: Oceanography, and Math and Chemistry</p>
<p>Why: I’m interested in Math and Chemistry for my future job and Oceanography because I want to experience something new.</p>
<p>I am a Junior</p>
<p>@vivian14wo - Hey we have the same name! But mine’s with an ‘e’, haha.</p>
<p>Campus: UCI
Clusters: Tissue and Tumor Biology, Biotechnology, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Why: Tumor biology specifically because I was a volunteer at a cancer benefit dinner and it suddenly just hit me how much cancer affects people’s lives… and I want to dedicate my life to a cancer-free future! The others because they just really interest me and I just love learning and science in general!</p>
<p>I’m a freshman. </p>
<p>So excited! And nervous for all of us.</p>
<p>Are we supposed to receive a letter or some sort of package the same day we get the email?</p>
<p>LOL I was supposed to send that as a PM to Momentum but I guess I pressed the wrong button o.o That’s what happens when I post from my phone haha</p>
<p>@vivng6991 lol awesome thats awesome my name was originally suppose to be Vivienne but my parents decided not to be cool and just Vivian lol. I like Vivien more than Vivian for some reason lol</p>
Clusters: astrophysics, nanochemistry, robotics</p>
<p>I’m so nervous! do any of you know how popular UCI or any of the clusters are?</p>
<p>Hi, I posted in the other thread, but I’m a COSMOS alumni from summer 2011 at UCD. I was in Cluster 2, the Electro-Optics one. Post here or send me a PM if you have an questions. :)</p>