Cosmos 2023

Hi, applications are not yet open, but I wanted to open a thread for COSMOS 2023 since I’m trying to get an early start on my application.

I’m a current junior and plan to apply for UCSD’s Cluster 8: Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for it? If you’ve done it before, how was it?

This is my third time applying for COSMOS; last year I was waitlisted at UCSD’s Synthetic Biology cluster (which seems not to exist anymore). Any tips for essays? I’m not really sure how to write my essays (especially the personal statement) or what to include in them…

anyone have any tips for personal statements? im applying for UCI cluster 2!

Hey! I’m applying too. I’m decent academically but my main strength is sports and I’m wondering how to tie that in.

I also need help on what to put on the “why did you choose this cluster” ones.

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I’m also applying to UCI Cluster 2. Good luck

Hello, I am a sophomore. Plan to apply to UCI but have not decided on clusters yet.


same to you!

Does anyone know the hardest campuses to get into? where does UCI rank? also if I only have one stem-related activity should I put my other non-STEM extracurricular or just have one activity?

I heard that UCD is the hardest, then UCSD. UCI and UCSC are slightly less competitive. But honestly these rankings might be outdated. In general the program is highly selective. I have the same question regarding having only one stem-related activity. Hope someone can share some thoughts.

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My son attended cosmos in summer of 2021 when the program was online. (UCSC cluster 2). Definitely apply to the cluster that is most interesting to you, or that you are most passionate or curious about. Definitely don’t pick a cluster because you think it will be less competitive. Remember that the professors who teach the courses are the ones who read the applications. They will be able to tell from the essays who is most likely to have genuine interest for a topic, and who is trying to game the system.
The cosmos application is very much a mini UC application, use it to show different sides of yourself. It’s ok if some activities aren’t stem related. Use all the space provided to show different activities you take part in - sports, community service, school clubs, etc.
Also, worthwhile to follow different cosmos programs on Instagram or look at the different school websites. I believe they all have info nights on zoom to help students fill out the application and answer questions.

Thank your for sharing. I agree we should choose clusters based on our interests. I attended the Zoom info night by USCS and am very interested in the program. Hope students without a strong STEM background also stand a chance.

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I’m planning on applying to UCI’s cluster 6 and 8; does anyone know how competitive these two clusters are?

Because COSMOS was begun by the legislature and is partially funded by them, periodic stats reports are compiled to report back. Most recent data from 2021 shows program wide admissions around 22%. I think some clusters are as low as 10%, but it can vary from year to year depending on who applies. Apply to several programs, have backup plans. A summer job, community service, dual enrollment class are all great alternatives. And don’t forget to have some fun during the summer too!


Thanks so much for sharing! As mom to a '22 participant who is currently a junior, I liked the following excerpt: “After UC, the top ten four-year universities at which COSMOS alumni most often enrolled are Stanford University, University of Southern California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, California Polytechnic State University, Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Illinois at Urbana, University of Chicago, and Brown University.”

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Great information. Thanks for sharing. Can’t agree more about having alternatives.

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One week to go before application deadline. I am having a hard time writing the 2nd choice cluster essay. :frowning:

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Anyone scrambling to submit application by 5pm or 11:59pm today? I wish I can get it done by 5pm. Good luck to everyone!

hi! i’m a freshman and was wondering what my chances are of getting into cosmos UCSD for the machine learning cluster. im pretty worried since i don’t have any fancy STEM awards but i do technovation and robotics at school and i think my essays were decent and came off as passionate (at least i hope).

i think it depends, but like if you look at the statistics only like 8% accepted are freshmen because they probably want to give others a chance, whereas you have 3 more years to apply

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My son applied for the summer before 9th, summer before 10th, and finally got accepted for the summer before 11th. COSMOS does favor older students since they have fewer chances to attend in the future. Most are rising seniors and very few are rising sophomores or below.