Cosmos '21

I think both, based on what others have said

They do both, portal and then you get an email

I feel like summer applications are extra competitive this year due to covid. I honestly thought I had a pretty good chance, welp, at least I get practice for possible college rejections next year.


ooh what clusters?

I’m just watching TV and refreshing every 30 seconds along with checking this.

Which cluster are more competitive? I applied to Autonomous Vehicles, Kinetic Sculptures, and photonics.

anyone else apply to the marine bio clusters at ucsc?

Hi @Fleurescent . I applied to ucsc clusters 3 & 8, and got waitlisted. Hbu?

i applied to climate change (1st choice) and music technology

How competitive is UCI Cluster 7 bio engineering

I know this might be off-topic, but if you’re interested in marine bio you should check out Ocean Sciences Bowl. It’s quite fun and some of my friends participate in it

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I feel like Biology usually gets pretty large application pool

Thanks! I’ll be sure to check it out :slight_smile:

hi! i haven’t gotten any notifications regarding my status so i’m just anxiously waiting for my results.

How good is JHU EEI, any thoughts on that?

Since it’s Biomed, it’s probably near the top of the list when it come to competitiveness.

This feels like Election Night lmao. All the results coming in at random times.


Oohh I wish you the best of luck!

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haha that’s a rlly accurate comparison

welp i shall await my rejection