I am a junior this school year. I was accepted into COSMOS, SRA and SIP my sophomore summer (last summer) and I attended SIP.

I picked SIP as I was advised that SIP is real research and COSMOS is just classes. I was also advised that SIP is ranked higher than COSMOS.

I regret not going to COSMOS as when I look at stats , all COSMOS students land great college acceptances and colleges seem to love students who have done COSMOS.

I don’t plan to apply for junior year summer to COSMOS as I feel its OK for freshman and sophomore years but not advanced enough for juniors…

I was wondering… did I make a mistake by skipping COSMOS?


Can you provide links to COSMOS, SRA and SIP so we al know what you’re talking about?

Hey! I am so late, but I did SIP as a sophomore too, and ended up at SSP this summer :smiley: So it’s all good, SIP is a great experience!!

Not to worry! Our daughter attended COSMOS and enjoyed the experience. COSMOS is very fun. Research experience wise SIP is super good and so you have not lost anything.