Cost of Living in sweden

<p>I am counting on jonopking (something like that ) Bschool in sewden .I was wondering what is cost of living in sweden for ENTIRE year .(in dollars or SEK)
Btw representative told me it 11k $ a year is threr any way i could push it to say 7k-6k a year and how would a part time job help in subsidizing costs (approx amount )
Any info will be helpful............................ , , , ,</p>

<p>come on swedish guys and gals ...........</p>

<p>why are you going to jonkoping bschool? (just curious!) do you speak swedish?</p>

<p>lessons in jonkoping bschool is conducted in english...</p>

<p>I am conversant in swedish no writer though anyways a non-us security is not that bad</p>

<p>i meant non-US Safety college</p>

<p>I have lived in Norway for 16 years and the prices here are similar to those in sweden. Here its 80,000 NOK min. per year for living, so to be on the safe side, set aside 15,000 dollars a year.</p>

<p>Norway is much more expensive than Sweden.</p>

<p>Depending on if you like pasta and don't drink alcohol, you could get away very cheap. Rent in Jonkoping really isn't that high.</p>

<p>Jonkoping actually has quite a reputable business school, they are definately on their way up.</p>

<p>approximation in terms of cost sweden would then be around 10k ?? right .........
what about part time??</p>

<p>maybe u could pm "corporatefinance", he is swedish.</p>

<p>thanks for that</p>

<p>You should count with at least 10K just to be on the safe side. It all depends on the rent for your student room/house but since its in Jönköping I presume it'll be quite cheap. So yes, you could do fine with ~10k/year. For your information though there is no reputable business school in sweden except Stockholm School of Economics. Closest B-school would be Gothenburg School of Economics but even that ones a bit behind. And if your planning on going international after graduation, Jönköping B-school will really be a waste of time and money. Just my 2 cents.</p>

<p>i am no keen just a safety</p>


<p>I can tell you this,
that the swedish government loan the students an amout of 6 968kr for 4 weeks of study (1month) now they've increased the loan with 300kr. So with that money you should survive paying your rent, food, materia supplies ect.
But remeber, many students also says its so little. I survived perfectly good with it, but I also had a cheap rent :)</p>

<p>Hope this help you!
Jönsköping is a superpretty city.</p>

<p>The Swedish government requires international students to show proof that they have at least 6,300 kr per month for 10 months before they can issue a residence permit (which is equivalent to a student visa).</p>

<p>12-13k is manageable</p>