<p>I was wondering how Coterminal Program. The website confused me a little and I wanted an inside take. When do you apply for the program? When you apply is that when you declare your major as well? Or is that seperate?</p>
<p>As for the CSS Profile, I was wondering if anyone had the dilemma of the Non-Custodial profile. Is there a way to get around it? What if your other parent is dead or unknown? I haven't submited Form 1 of the Stanford Application yet but I didn't fill out any information about one of my parents. Would that be considered bad? I don't see how but would it lower my chances?</p>
<p>Call the financial aid office and tell them that you have no contact with one of you parents, also on the custodial parent profile there is a section to explain extrenuating circumstances, explain your situation there, and call and confirm that you have no contact after you send your fin aid stuff in. </p>
<p>You can apply for the coterm after you have completed 120 quarter units. Most majors can be completed in 3+ years if you try. So you can graduate in FOUR with the BA/BS and an MA.</p>