Coughing Krud going around?

<p>Anybody else’s kid got it??</p>

<p>What works to cure it?</p>

<p>Health clinic closes at five today and doesn’t open until one on Saturday.</p>

<p>Don’t know whether to tell her to take decongestant/ expectorant OR antihistamine. Is it a virus or an allergy???</p>

<p>Any insight?</p>

<p>I would go with the decongestant/expectorant route. Antihistamines dry you up and make the Krud thicker. Of course, lots of liquids and maybe some soup. </p>

<p>Hope she feels better! :)</p>

<p>DD ended up at the SHC last weekend due to a bad cough. Turns out it was a cold. I don’t get colds and even I am coming down with one right now. They told her to get Mucinex (which is great for getting rid of the krud that one coughs up and causes congestion). I also highly recommend the products from Zicam. I picked up some yesterday for myself.<br>
Zicam Cold Remedy rapid melts
Zicam Cold Remedy oral mist
Emergen-C, vitamin c
Tylenol brand Cold multi symptom
and Zicam Sinus Pressure gel nasal spray (which I LOVE this stuff)</p>

<p>Get lots of liquids, orange juice and rest over the weekend.
They have being going non stop for a month now so it is only a matter of time before they get so worn out they get a cold. </p>

<p>Hope she gets to feeling better soon</p>

<p>OH! They also told DD to get the liquid Benedryl to swab on the back of her throat. Which she did. After using the Mucinex, Benedryl on the throat and the Emergen-C & Zicam products I had included in her first aid kit she sounded much better in no time.</p>

<p>Yup. Worn down and little sleep.</p>

<p>I sent a box of stuff so think she has Muscinex DM…</p>

<p>If it is the start of a cold then the cold remedy otc meds from Zicam are great. Our asthma/allergy doctor is the one who recommended them to us. You have to start them within a few days of the symptoms appearing.</p>

<p>The Zicam nasal gels for sinus pressure and their allergy one are GOLD! Instant clearing of congestion and works all night. </p>

<p>No game this weekend so maybe they can tone it down a few notches and get some rest.</p>

<p>Tell her to take it easy, lots of rest --DS thought he had the Krud last week and went to the SHC and found out he’s got pneumonia. They didn’t mess around-- took xrays, gave him an injection, strong antibiotic, and steroid and he’s had to go back for blood counts. We were grateful they took such great care of him. He didn’t miss a class and only missed one night of pledge activities. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>The state of Texas is reporting Whooping Cough, and now other states are reporting cases as well.</p>

<p>…and it can turn into pneumonia or worse.</p>

<p>Can they get Whopping Cough even if they are vaccinated???</p>

<p>Arrrggghhhhhh! I feel my chopper blades beginning to spin…</p>

<p>Yes, it seems like it.</p>

<p>When was she vaccinated?</p>

<p>Whenever she was supposed to be…and all the boosters…</p>

<p>She has had pneumonia a couple of times…I worry about that…</p>

<p>Well, the Clinic opens at one tomorrow…we shall see.</p>

<p>Horrible to not be there.</p>

<p>This time last week DD had two friends at the health center. One was confirmed to have strep and the other tested positive for mono. Told her to step up the Vit. C and keep hand sanitizer in her backpack!</p>

<p>I’m on my third week of ‘something’ that has been difficult to shake. Since I work in a HS, it started pretty much from the very first day onwards and many kids have same. Bad cold, but felt like a weak flu because achy and tired. Starts with sore throat, migrates to bad congestion/cold, then cough, with aches all throughout the stages.</p>

<p>Most profs will not take verbal/email excuses for sicknesses, but it is a good idea to let them know anyway (IMO) that you are absent and why. If tests/assignments are missed because of illness, a note from the SHC is required. Even with a written note from the SHC, some profs will not allow tests to be made up - this just means that other tests and/or final exam count for more %-age in the grade calculation. My S once missed 2 tests/assignments in 1 class because of 2 different incidents, and was sweating a bit because his final counted for nearly his entire grade.</p>

<p>mine has what i think is allergies. i told her zyrtec in the morning and zyrtec-d at night.</p>

<p>My son, his roommates, and many of his fraternity brothers have the same symptoms. He went to the SHC on Thursday and they told him he had a bad cold. They gave him an inhaler and prescribed him a cough medicine with codein to help him sleep. I wasn’t happy about that at all! He said he would only take a small dose if the cough prevented him from sleeping, which he said has been the case for several nights. </p>

<p>I reminded him to take vitamin D ( good for the immune system), vitamin C, and to eat healthy. The good news, I think, is that this cold didn’t stop him from going to a date party on Thursday or a cowboy theme party last night. I hope he was that diligent in regards to his classes! ;)</p>

<p>I can tell you it’s alive and well in one second grade classroom including the teacher. This despite lots and lots of chlorox wipes on every surface I can find. It happens to me every year when my immune system learns to live peacefully with 20+ other immune systems in close quarters. Feels like I’m getting better, then a new child gets it and gives it back to me. Takes about 3 weeks for it to run its cycle. I like Mucinex, but be sure to get the high test version – we have to buy it from behind the counter here in Georgia.</p>

<p>Bama has hand sanitizers in many locations. Remind kids to use them regularly, or wash their hands, especially after they’ve touched “common things” like stair bannisters, door knobs, etc.</p>

<p>Son’s best friend has mono and has been unable to go to class for the last week or so. He went to the health center, and they advised him that while he was running a fever, to not go to class. He was not given antibiotics, so he just has to wait it out.</p>

<p>Looks like DD may run into TXArchitect’s DD at the Health Center. She called us to tell us she has been sick since recruitment weekend, so will be heading over with another sorority sister who is also unwell. </p>

<p>There may be a rather long line waiting when they open at 1PM.</p>

<p>DS had it, and now his roommate has it. Does sound as if it’s going around. Hope your DH feels better soon!</p>

<p>Clinic is mobbed.</p>

<p>Friday evening hours would help.</p>