Could I be rescinded for not submitting a non A-G Course?

When I submitted my UC Application back in November, I did not include two grades I had received during my freshman year of High School in two Non A-G Math and English courses. I checked the UC website which stated that I should only report A-G courses and that I COULD submit any other course that was not A-G in the special activities list.
The issue is that I received D’s on both of those classes and so I found it best fit that I do not include those classes even though they are listed on my transcript.

I am scared that my admissions at UCSB could get rescinded for academic dishonesty even though the UC website states that I did not have to submit any A-G required course

I also understand that the UC system looks mainly at your sophomore to senior year grades but don’t know if that helps my case at all.

Even so, I still meet all A-G requirements since I reported 4 years of math and 4 years of English all with grades above a B

The only reason I took the Non A-G courses was because of a program that I was enrolled in my freshman year and so the classes were basically electives.

Update: I called the UCSB admissions office and spoke to my admissions counselor, she said that Non A-G courses are excluded from final review and that they will not affect my chances of admission